Fabiola Rodriguez
2020-09-21 09:02:40

Guide to learn how to complete tasks in Among Us

 For those who do not know Among Us (although I doubt it with the amount of memes that are on the internet) they will know that one of the objectives is to carry out the missions of the ship while they discover who the impostor is to win the game (unless you are the impostor) which would be the opposite case. In short, throughout the game if you are a crew member you should know how to complete tasks to achieve victory, so in this guide we will tell you everything you need to know to do so.

How to complete tasks in Among Us?

If you have played it before you will know that there are 3 types of maps in the game, so depending on which map you are on, you will have different tasks assigned around the map, and these will be listed in the upper left corner. The goal is to complete each of these without the impostor killing you in the process.

There are three types of tasks: common, short and long. These can be set by the host, but each member generally has four missions.

For example, if common is selected, all crew members will have the same common task.

Most of these will be fairly easy to complete, from activating a lever to get rid of trash to connecting wires of the same color. The danger of completing them is that it leaves you completely exposed. You should also know that there are a series of tasks that are activated when the impostor seeks to sabotage the ship.
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Sabotage Tasks

When you are in the ship there will be a time when emergency missions will be activated when the impostor performs a sabotage, such as a communication failure, he will have to go to an area marked on the map to fix it. Some instances will result in game over if not corrected. An example of this is O2 depletion.

Imposter: How to fake tasks

Even if you are an impostor, you will see that in the same way you will be given a series of false missions to pretend, this with the intention of avoiding being discovered while they attack the crew.

In this case, you will have to be careful with the missions you fake because some of them have animations next to them that can be seen so if you pretend to do this task, it will be evident. So you should be careful with it.

 Now that you know how to complete tasks in Among Us you will be able to perform these tasks successfully, if you are the impostor. you will know that you will have to be cautious with the tasks that you decide to "perform" in the process. Luck!