Lidia Rozo
2021-02-10 07:54:30

Valheim has managed to involve us in a fascinating adventure, which allows us to tell you How to make fire inside houses.

Why make fires inside houses in Valheim?

It is necessary for us to stay warm, this is due to the lack of insulation of the constructions of the type that at the beginning we can do, if we do not have the fire our character will be exposed to the cold and sleep will not be possible, then a bonfire in the interior is necessary, but the detail is the smoke that is capable of drowning us, then we must find a suitable point of the house for its placement to avoid it, now the explanation to focus is on How to make fire inside the houses, let's see the following content .
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How to make fire inside houses in Valheim?

The bonfire allows the burning of the wood, which allows raising the fire without putting a ceiling or a floor on it, which will become the cause of the spread inside the house by not having where to escape, which We will do is create a foundation in our house and add them to a place that has walls, achieving an improvised fireplace in this way, or in the center of the house we put the fire opening the top in the center, but the areas that will be exposed is important in this option, so it is appropriate to expand the thatched roof achieving a creation of angles of 45 or 26 degrees, making the smoke have an escape route, the creation of the chimney depends on our own criteria, in this game creativity is important and has no end, the key is to watch the smoke that occurs when we put out the fire in our house.

 Obviously, knowing How to make a fire inside houses appears as an interesting task, take care of doing it in Valheim and tell us how it goes.