Where to find Black Marble in Valheim

Angel Marquez
2022-12-08 21:58:38

Find out where to find black marble in Valheim in this excellent and explanatory guide.

What to know about black marble in Valheim?

  It is one of the many resources that are required in the expansion of our base and items to access the tools and equipment, but the complex part may lie in locating it, to help us as to where to find it, it is opportune that we take into account the details that presents this guide below, let's see.

Where to find black marble in Valheim?

You have to find the remains of giants in the Mistlands region, arriving at this area of the map we have to go through many obstacles to find this material, it is appropriate that we master the plains biome before venturing into it, we are going to face to the Goblins and powerful enemies of the region, when we find the remains of the giants we will use the black metal pickaxe, it depends on resources in this region too, we will look for the Yggdrasil tree, which will be seen growing in the Mistlands biome, These trees will be everywhere, with the black metal ax we can cut them, we create this weapon while in the plains biome, it is appropriate that we have a portal placed in the Mistlands biome and connect them with our base so that we can easily reach to the region.

  This is all there is to know about Where to find black marble in Valheim, you just have to follow the instructions to achieve it.

Platform(s): GNU/Linux, Microsoft Windows PC
Genre(s): Action, Adventure, Indie, Role Playing, Early Access
Developer(s): Iron Gate AB
Publisher(s):Iron Gate AB, Coffee Stain Publishing, Coffee Stain Studios
Release date: 2 FEB 2021
Mode: Single-player, multiplayer
age rating (PEGI): 12+

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