We are back with a new Gears Tactics guide that aims to explain how to get a Thrashball Cole.In Gears Tactics it is possible to join our team in Thrashball Cole, who was a star, to have important importance to carry out certain things, which are necessary in this guide and its explanation of How to obtain a Thrashball Cole, let's see below regarding it. .
What do you have to know about Thrashball Cole in Gears Tactics?
Through a pre-purchase bonus, we will have this character available, which we can only access if we made the purchase of the game in advance, or those who play through the Xbox Game Pass, there is much to know and if they are the same me, continue reading.
How to get a Thrashball Cole in Gears Tactics?
We will have access to Thrashball Cole in the first part of Chapter 4, something that perhaps we did not expect, this is how we will be able to have this new hero in our team, adding ourselves through the Barracks menu, this is level 3 at the time that it is us, the weapon it brings is the Retro Lance, with a 25 percent chance of causing critical damage and its maximum range is 100 percent, we must consider once again the fact that the Access to this hero, is the Barracks menu, having the space for this in our tactical configuration.
This guide has come to an end, getting to know how to get Thrashball Cole, with which we can improve our performance in Gears Tactics.
Platform(s): Microsoft Windows PC, Xbox One
Genre(s): Turn-based tactics
Developer(s): Splash Damage, The Coalition
Publisher(s):Xbox Game Studios
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