The physique of the team members in Gears Tactics has some relevance, let's see How to change the appearance of the character This game has an interesting characteristic in terms of the appearance of a member, so it is necessary to know how to change the appearance of the character, since combat scenarios usually present changes and this requires placing our touch so that it can be done perfectly .
How to change the appearance of the character in Gears Tactics?
Heroes are characters whose appearance can be changed, they are also very important characters in the story, which implies that they simply cannot die within the mission, because in doing so the story simply will not continue. It is important to clarify that the appearance is limited, but generally it has its main aspects in the weapon and armor, it will only be necessary to move to the barracks to achieve the said change according to the two types of units that are present here.
How to modify the appearance of a troop character in Gears Tactics?
Apart from the heroes, there are troops and they also have some important modifications, these are located under the heroes, and in order to make the changes, it is only necessary to click on that character and move down in the panel that opens where we will get some options. Very interesting, it will only be necessary to select the option that we consider feasible to change and then we confirm, these characters like the heroes have the possibility of having updates for weapons and armor.
What are the changes we can achieve by modifying the appearance in Gears Tactics?
These changes influence:
- Hair colors.
- The color of the facial hair.
- The helmet.
- The scars.
- The hairstyle.
- Facial hair.
- The undershirt.
- Facial scars.
- The tattoos.
Now that you know how to change the appearance of the character it is only a matter of applying it, seeing which one best suits your tastes and with this being able to advance with the battles in Gears Tactics.
Platform(s): Microsoft Windows PC, Xbox One
Genre(s): Turn-based tactics
Developer(s): Splash Damage, The Coalition
Publisher(s):Xbox Game Studios
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