Lidia Rozo
2020-04-28 00:16:58

Today we bring you a Gears Tactics guide where we have set out to explain how to beat Brumak

Who is Brumak in Gears Tactics?

Naturally, every action and tactical game usually presents us with some strong enough characters that it is necessary to face, therefore it is necessary to know how to beat Brumak, because this is a fairly strong boss, since in each arm he usually has a chaingun In addition, this is the first boss enemy with which we will have a fight, it also has on each shoulder nothing more and nothing less than a missile launcher that makes it more powerful.
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What are Brumak's attacks in Gears Tactics?

 Before knowing how to beat Brumak, it is necessary to take into account that this enemy is strong enough and we must have knowledge about what attacks he has, since it is ideal to be one step ahead and thus be able to defeat him with more than trust.

  •  Missile discharge: Avoiding taking damage with this attack is simply necessary. It is ideal to move our retired units from the red circles, since it is necessary to evade the red burst radios that will be targeting our units, and try to launch these missile attacks at us. end of each shift.
  • Stomps: For Brumak to be able to use this attack, he will need to be quite close to us, and it is necessary to try to keep all our units as far away as possible from this enemy, in addition to keeping them as dispersed as possible, as this enemy will try to Using the stomped attack every time you approach us, because being dispersed is a necessary strategy and knowing how to beat Brumak offers us interesting advantages.
  • Chaingun: This is another attack that Brumak has to his credit and it is necessary to keep us covered before the end of a turn, because with him he can get close to us and trample on us, in addition, this is an attack that usually occurs at least 2 times for each turn .

How to beat Brumak in Gears Tactics?

Our task is to shoot down this enemy who is quite strong, but in the middle of the combat there are some emergency holes that can be conducive to the appearance of some annoying enemies, they are smaller than this boss but they still bother and to face it it is necessary to do use of fragmentation grenades.

The chainguns are undoubtedly quite annoying attacks, since they obviously lead us to other more tedious and annoying attacks, especially because they have a large amount of life, since they have 2,000 points, so we must concentrate our units to achieve removing them as soon as possible, for which we need to move our units to a certain place where we have good enough visibility to promote the attack and be able to destroy it, in such a way that it is out of our way, with this we will only manage to stay away to avoid being trampled or beaten by missiles.

One of the interesting ways to cause damage to Brumak is by using sniper Mikayla, since he is trained enough to fire Imulsion tanks, these will really do damage to our enemies, because when strategies about How to beat Brumak are This is an excellent alternative, since Mikayla has the tactical ability to make turns at 180 degrees, that is, keeping our units on opposite sides of the area where we are shooting the tanks.

It is important to be clear that we should not allow any unit to die while fighting Brumak in Gears Tactics, as we will have to restart the mission, so it is ideal to use Gabe, a healing skill that we can count on here.

Knowing how to beat Brumak can undoubtedly become complex when we do not have the necessary skills and movements, but once we know them, it becomes a little easier in Gears Tactics, so using Imulsion tanks is quite good since that with them, we will have the possibility of taking away a large amount of health and this is easy to observe, because in the bar at the top of the screen it can be seen when we are fighting.

 Staying at a safe distance from Brumak is important and is part of the necessary strategies when knowing how to beat Brumak, because they simply keep us alive, thereby avoiding being attacked by missiles. We should not leave all the work to the tanks, because although it is important and helps us considerably, we must focus on making use of our skills, such as Precision Sghot with Sniper or simply Rage Sahot with Vanguard, which serve to be able to shoot and manage to eliminate this formidable enemy of Gears Tactics.

 In one way or another, knowing how to beat Brumak is an excellent option with which we will get ourselves while we mobilize through Gears Tactics.