Fortnite Fortbyte 80: Bunker Basher Pickaxe to smash the rock - Ultimate Guide

2019-06-03 20:25:01

As we mentioned earlier, the Fortbyte in Fortnite are fragments of images, which are in the form of floating computer chips, these fragments can appear anywhere on the island of Fortnite. In fact, one appears daily so players can unlock them and accumulate them so that when they finally get them all, they can reveal what this saves (it is expected to be a secret of the current season).

One of the Fortbytes recently revealed has been the Fortnite Fortbyte 80, many are wondering where they can find it, they have also been wondering what Fortyite Fortyte 80 has to do with the Bunker Basher peak and the rock on the edge of the volcano, among other things.

Fortunately we have everything covered as always and we have prepared this guide to tell you how to get Fortnyte Fortyte 80, for which you will have to have a good equipment to find it.

Fortnite Fortbyte #80 Location - Using Bunker Basher PIckaxe to smash Rock at highest Volcano

How to get to Bunker Basher Peak and find Fortnite Fortyte 80.

First of all, we'll have to find the Bunker Jones Bunker Basher peak. Although it seems a bit cheap, it's just a segment of steel beam with a smiley face painted, tied to the end of a stick, it does not unlock until level 38. You can win it without having a battle. But we'll need a battle pass to pick up Fortbytes.

Equip your Bunker Basher and make your way through the Fortnite volcano, to the northeast edge of the H3 grid, being very careful with the lava or any obstacle that can make you stumble and fall, in this case use the Bunker Bashe peak to break it.

Once you are at the highest point of the edge of the volcano, you will see Fortnyte Fortyte 80.

Battle Royale, Fortnite Skins, V-Bucks, Fortnite Challenges, Fortnite Events, Fortnite Map, Fortnite Weapons, Fortnite S
Platform(s): PC, macOS, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, iOS, Android
Genre(s): Survival, battle royale, sandbox
Developer(s): Epic Games
Publisher(s):Epic Games
Engine: Unreal Engine 4
Release date: July 25, 2017
Mode: Co-op, multiplayer
age rating (PEGI): 12+

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