Lidia Rozo
2024-06-12 10:04:17

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We invite you to discover How to make an enemy in BitLife with our explanatory guide today.

The social dynamics in BitLife offer the possibility of cultivating both friendships and enmities. While the former generate benefits such as support and companionship, the latter can add an element of challenge and immersion to the gaming experience, especially when completing specific objectives. This guide aims to detail the methods to turn an individual into an enemy within the game.

How to make an enemy in BitLife?

To turn someone into an enemy, it is necessary to follow these steps:

Establish a friendship relationship:

  • It is essential to start as friends and then turn them into enemies.
  • Random interactions, school, and work are the common methods to make friends.
  • School is ideal for young characters, while college or work are options for adults.

Methods to turn into an enemy

  • Declared enmity: If the friendship stats are low, there is a chance that the person will randomly declare you an enemy in adulthood.

Manual Action

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  • Accessing the relationship menu and selecting the desired individual.
  • Changing their status from “Friend” to “Enemy.”
  • Consequences of Enmity

Making someone an enemy has significant repercussions

  • Immediate deterioration of the relationship.
  • Possible rumors, insults, or even violent attacks from the enemy.
  • Potential Benefits

Despite the risks, enmity can offer certain advantages

  • Completing challenges or achievements related to having enemies.
  • Increased immersion in the game, especially for characters who enjoy confrontation.

Knowing how to make an enemy in BitLife adds a layer of complexity to social interactions. While enmity presents risks, it can also be useful for certain goals and increase immersion in the game.

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