Angel Marquez
2024-06-13 20:44:43

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Today we bring you an explanatory guide on How to get the Golden Pacifier in BitLife with precise details.

The challenges and achievements of having children in BitLife can be difficult, especially if you are limited by your gender, romantic partner, or other unforeseen factors. The Golden Pacifier can help you overcome various challenges if you want to eliminate these difficulties.

How to get the Golden Pacifier in BitLife?

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The BitLife Golden Pacifier is a premium product that can be purchased through the in-game marketplace. Occasional sales bring the price down, and it's usually $14.99. The store can be accessed by going to the game's main menu, selecting BitLife Marketplace, and pulling down the Golden Pacifier.

What role does the Golden Pacifier play in BitLife?

You will be able to use the Golden Pacifier immediately after purchasing it using the life of any of your characters. Activate one of your characters to have a baby. After that, you'll find the common options for deciding whether to keep the baby and a new Golden Pacifier option. It allows you to choose the sex of your baby, her special talent, and whether they will be twins or triplets when you do so. Your children will be born as you age according to your preferences.

The Golden Pacifier also allows you to have children during any part of your character's adult life. Women usually lose the ability to have children between the ages of 45 and 50. However, the Golden Pacifier eliminates this completely, allowing people of any age, even those over these years, to have a child. It may not be a natural process, but at least you will have an easier time having children for any ongoing weekly challenges.

Finally, now that we have covered what is necessary about obtaining the Golden Pacifier, we will only have to apply what is indicated to achieve it and continue our fun in such a busy game.

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