Angel Marquez
2024-06-02 19:07:36

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Welcome to our explanatory guide on How To Complete the Disco Inferno Challenge in BitLife Accurately.

Candywriter has done it again with another weekly BitLife challenge, the Disco Hell Challenge. This challenge will force us to rise to power as kings as we navigate the seedy underworld of "club culture." Do we make questionable decisions, form relationships with people we should have, and suffer the consequences of our actions? Yes of course. Will BitLife become a problem if we don't do this? It sure isn't. Let's see how to complete this week's Disco Inferno challenge.

How To Complete the Disco Inferno Challenge in BitLife?

Before we dive into the challenge, let's take a look at the challenges we will be facing this week:

  • Become king.
  • Meet someone you met at the club.
  • Infecting a person you met at a club with a venereal disease.
  • Execution of more than 5 different people by burning them at the stake.
  • After each race, go to the club.

How to become king?

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Before you can begin, you may need to create a new character. If your character is not male or does not live in a real country, go to the Actions tab and select Surrender. From there, select "Start Your Own Life" to enter the character creation menu. Once in the menu, enter the following values:

  • Man
  • Country: Japan, Thailand, United Kingdom, Spain, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Netherlands, Belgium, Jordan, Sweden, United Arab Emirates, Denmark, Norway, Kuwait, Qatar, Monaco. 
  • Location: any
  • Royal status: prince

Now adjust your attributes to have good looks, high intelligence and good health.

How to flirt with someone you meet at the club?

First you need to age your new character a little. You will not be able to enter the club until you are 18 years old. When you turn 18, go to the Entertainment tab and select the Nightlife menu. From there you will have three different options of clubs to join. Go to all the clubs until you meet someone who will give you a chance to hang out. Accept their offer, but remember not to use security measures. You will need the STD at the end of the Disco Inferno Challenge. Once you've contacted them, go to the club to connect with more people until you get an STD and meet another vulnerable person.

How to execute people by burning them at the stake?

From time to time, while you are minding your business, your real business, you will encounter people who annoy you. Now you can ignore them, punish them or even execute them. At this point, always select "Run them". However, when you choose the run option, you will need to choose the run method. Five or more murders require burning at the stake. After each kill, go back to the Nightlife menu and go to the club.

In conclusion, having what is necessary to complete the Disco Inferno challenge allows us to have better performance and fun in this fast-paced Bit Life while we progress in one of its many weekly challenges.

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