Angel Marquez
2021-03-12 07:53:05

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We welcome you to our Windows 10 guide, where we will talk about How to fix NVIDIA Overlay not working.

What is Nvidia Overlay in Windows 10?

It is one of the functions that has the objective of improving our GeForce experience, thereby managing to see our framerates, take screenshots and even be able to record the screens, in this way that experience is reflected in PC games, but A rare question has been presented on How to fix NVIDIA Overlay not working, which is being presented in some cases and we are looking for answers, for this we must consider the following details.

How to fix NVIDIA Overlay not working on Windows 10?

Once we have installed Geforce Experience in our system, it is when from there the need arises to see How to fix NVIDIA Overlay not working, something that can also be presented once a Geforce experience or a Windows 10 update has been had , now to help us we are presented with some solutions, let's see.

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Find out how to fix Windows 10 error KB5016688 - update fails to install in this excellent and explanatory guide.

Today we bring a Windows 10 guide where we intend to explain how to fix NVIDIA graphics driver not compatible.

Driver update: every so often there are updates corresponding to the NVIDIA drivers, which turn out to be necessary to avoid errors, a fact to consider knowing How to solve NVIDIA Overlay not working, certainly an update to the NVIDIA graphics in Windows 10 can solve this situation and for this we will do the following:


  •  With the Windows key X we will see a list appear, where we will enter the device manager.
  • In this window we choose the option from the screen adapters section, and we will notice our NVIDIA graphics processor in the list here.
  • With the mouse we will right-click to access the NVIDIA driver for later uninstallation and follow the corresponding instructions in Windows 10.
  • Then with our purpose in mind of knowing how to fix NVIDIA Overlay not working, we will go to the NVIDIA driver download website, depending on the capabilities of our graphics processor system and the OS installed in it, we will download the drivers.
  • When it is ready we will do the installation and a restart of the PC.
  • In this way the drivers are updated, we can go to NVIDIA overlay test to see if it works correctly, otherwise we must continue testing How to fix NVIDIA Overlay not working through other options.


 Start without third-party services: it should be noted from the programs, which sometimes are not the cause of the problems in Windows 10, it may be that the background execution of a third-party application or service is influencing the situation, then to search to solve How to fix NVIDIA Overlay not working, what we will do is stop these third-party services to see if the operation returns to be correctly, for this we will do the following:


  •  We will open the dialog box run with Windows R
  • We write MSConfig and we give it enter or Ok
  • The system configuration window will open.
  • We press on services, where we will mark all Microsoft services in the eye.
  • We press the option to deactivate the services, then we activate those that correspond to NVIDIA, to be able to access NVIDIA overlay, and we click OK, we close to restart the PC.
  • We have to open Geforce experience, and we will see if its operation is correct, if so, what we will do is reactivate third-party services in Windows 10, one after the other until we get the one that is failing and if not, we continue with others of the possible solutions.


 Repair or reinstallation of C: one of the possible answers to consider on How to fix NVIDIA Overlay not working is to perform a repair or reinstallation of the C package, so with this possibility what we will do in Windows 10 is the following:


  •  We open the dialog box run with Windows R
  • We place control.exe and we give it in enter or Ok.
  • Then in the next menu we give the category option and we will go to programs to uninstall.
  • Here we will notice all the programs installed in Windows 10, then we choose the C package and we give it the option to change so that the installation begins, where we will see as an option to choose repair, then we follow instructions.
  • Now if we can solve How to fix NVIDIA Overlay does not work we can use NVIDIA overlay correctly, while if the failure persists we continue with more possibilities of correction.

Reinstallation of GeForce Experience: there is a possibility that the problem occurs due to a failure with the installation, so it will be necessary to reinstall in terms of How to fix the NVIDIA Overlay does not work in Windows 10, then we will do the following steps:


  •  We open the dialog box run with Windows R
  • We write control.exe and we give it in enter or Ok to open the control panel.
  • Then in the menu that will appear we choose the category option and then in programs for uninstallation.
  • Here we will see all the programs that we have installed in Windows 10, we just have to look for GeForce Experience and we press on it.
  • Click on the uninstall option and follow the instructions to remove the program from the system.
  • We went to the web to download GeForce Experience to install it again and if this does not solve our question of How to fix the NVIDIA Overlay does not work in Windows 10 we will continue with other options.


 Disabling NVFBC Capture: it is necessary for the Steam application settings to be edited, something necessary to verify that it is not affecting this problem in Windows 10, therefore we will do the following:


  •  We open Steam from the desktop or the application when looking for it
  • We press on the Steam button to go to the configuration
  • We press In-Home Streaming and Advanced Host Options, what we will do here is uncheck the NVFBC capture of NVIDIA GPU.
  • We exit Steam and remove it from the taskbar
  • We now go to GeForce Experience to see if the problem has been fixed.


 Configure Spotify: what we will do is go to the application either on the desktop or by opening it directly when searching for it to enter edit the menu bar and the preference option will be our choice, then we must go down to the options that correspond to the visualization, we must look for the option to show desktop overlay when using multimedia keys and we will go to deactivated, then we will go to the advanced configuration when going down through the options, this until we find the compatibility section and here we must hardware acceleration disable, finally access GeForce Experience to see if the problem on How to fix the NVIDIA Overlay does not work has been corrected.

GeForce Experience as administrator: what we will do is go to C: Program Files (x86) NVIDIA CorporationNVIDIA GeForce Experience to find its corresponding executor file, with the right mouse button we will go to the properties to find the compatibility option, here we will do the Checking the configuration, taking into account that the option to run this program as administrator must be checked and we accept it, once again we will enter the NVIDIA overlay to see that the problem does not exist.

 We hope that the information detailed here on How to fix NVIDIA Overlay does not work, has been useful to make the necessary corrections in Windows 10.

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