Angel Marquez
2023-07-10 06:38:47

How to Fix Sims 4 Unable to Pick Up Infant? We've got you covered with our easy-to-follow guide. 

Sims 4 is a popular simulation game that allows players to live out their virtual lives in a simulated world. One of the joys of playing the game is raising a family, but what happens when you encounter a frustrating issue like being unable to pick up your infant? In this blog post, we will explore several methods to fix the Sims 4 unable to pick up infant problem, allowing you to continue enjoying the game without any obstacles.

Resetting the Sim

One of the first steps to try when facing this issue is to reset the Sim. This can be done by using a cheat code in the game. To perform the reset, follow these steps:

  • 1. Open the cheat console by pressing Ctrl + Shift + C on your keyboard.
  • 2. Type in "resetSim [Sim's full name]" without the quotation marks.
  • 3. Press Enter to execute the cheat.

Resetting the Sim can often resolve various issues, including the problem of being unable to pick up an infant. Give it a try and see if it solves the problem for you.

Utilizing the 'Move Objects' Cheat

Another workaround for the Sims 4 unable to pick up infant issue is to use the 'Move Objects' cheat. This cheat allows you to move any objects, including Sims, freely within the game. Here's how you can enable and use it:

  • 1. Open the cheat console by pressing Ctrl + Shift + C.
  • 2. Type in "bb.moveobjects on" without the quotation marks.
  • 3. Press Enter to activate the cheat.

Once the cheat is activated, you can try to pick up the infant again. This method has been reported to work for some players, so it's worth giving it a shot.

Abstaining from Bedtime Stories

Believe it or not, there seems to be a correlation between reading bedtime stories to your Sim child and the issue of being unable to pick up the infant. Many players have reported that avoiding bedtime stories has resolved the problem for them. Until the issue is officially fixed, it is advisable to refrain from reading bedtime stories to your Sim child.

Updating or Reinstalling the Game

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Sometimes, outdated game versions can cause various glitches and issues, including the inability to pick up an infant. To ensure you have the latest version of the game, follow these steps:

  • 1. Open your game launcher.
  • 2. Check for any available updates and install them.
  • 3. Restart the game and see if the problem persists.

If updating the game doesn't resolve the issue, you may consider reinstalling the game. Before doing so, make sure to back up your saved data to prevent any loss.

Resolving Mod Conflicts

Mods are a popular way to enhance gameplay in Sims 4. However, they can sometimes conflict with each other, causing issues like the inability to pick up an infant. To fix this problem, try the following steps:

  • 1. Disable all mods in your game.
  • 2. Enable them one by one, testing each time to see if the problem reoccurs.
  • 3. Identify and remove any conflicting mods causing the issue.

By identifying and eliminating mod conflicts, you can restore the ability to pick up your Sim's infant.

Deleting .ver Files

In Sims 4, .ver files are used to track the version of installed content. Sometimes, these files can become corrupted and cause various issues, including the problem at hand. To fix this, follow these steps:

  • 1. Navigate to the game installation folder.
  • 2. Locate the .ver files (they typically have a "ver" extension).
  • 3. Delete the .ver files.
  • 4. Restart the game and check if the issue is resolved.

Deleting the .ver files can often clear up any corruption and restore functionality to your game.

Troubleshooting and Contacting Support

If none of the above methods work, don't despair. There are still additional troubleshooting steps you can try, such as repairing the game files or restoring the game to its default settings. If all else fails, it may be time to reach out to the game's support team for further assistance. They can provide specific guidance tailored to your situation and help you get back to enjoying the game.

In conclusion, the Sims 4 unable to pick up infant problem can be frustrating, but it's not insurmountable. By following the methods outlined in this blog post, you can troubleshoot and resolve the issue, allowing you to continue enjoying the game without any disruptions. Remember to try different methods and reach out to support if needed. Happy Simming!