Angel Marquez
2023-07-27 07:50:38

Learn How to Fix Sims 4 Not Launching and easily with our detailed step-by-step guide. 

Are you a fan of The Sims 4 but having trouble launching the game? Don't worry, you're not alone. Many players have encountered this issue, but thankfully, there are several possible solutions to get your game up and running again. In this blog post, we will explore the potential causes of Sims 4 not launching and provide step-by-step instructions on how to fix it.

Possible Causes

List potential causes:

  • Game files needing repair: Over time, game files can become corrupted or damaged, causing the game to fail to launch.
  • Outdated game or missing updates: If you haven't updated your game in a while, it's possible that an outdated version is causing the problem.
  • Broken mods interfering with the launch: Mods can enhance your gameplay experience, but sometimes they can also conflict with the game's launch process.
  • Outdated or incompatible drivers: Outdated or incompatible graphics, audio, or other drivers can prevent Sims 4 from launching.
  • Insufficient storage or low-performance computer: If your computer doesn't meet the game's minimum requirements or is running low on storage space, it may struggle to launch the game.


Repair game files:

1. To repair game files, follow these steps:
  •    a. Open the EA App and go to your game library.
  •    b. Right-click on The Sims 4 and select "Repair Game."
  •    c. Wait for the repair process to complete.

Check for updates:

1. To update the game through the EA App, do the following:
  •    a. Open the EA App and go to your game library.
  •    b. Right-click on The Sims 4 and select "Update Game."
  •    c. Allow the game to update to the latest version.

Remove broken mods:

Read Also:

1. If you suspect that broken mods are causing the issue, try the following:
  •    a. Disable all mods by moving them out of the mods folder.
  •    b. Launch the game without mods to see if it launches successfully.
  •    c. If the game launches without mods, you can then identify and remove problematic mods.

Update drivers:

1. Keeping your drivers up to date is crucial for optimal game performance. Follow these steps to update your drivers:
  •    a. Identify the specific drivers you need to update, such as graphics or audio drivers.
  •    b. Visit the manufacturer's website and download the latest drivers for your hardware.
  •    c. Install the updated drivers according to the provided instructions.

Reboot your PC:

1. Sometimes a simple reboot can fix various issues, including problems with launching games. Restart your computer and try launching The Sims 4 again.

Additional checks and considerations

Restart your PC: 

1.Restarting your PC can resolve temporary issues that may be preventing the game from launching.

Review the EA App for updates:

1. Check for updates for the EA App itself. Keeping the app up to date can help ensure compatibility with the game.

Check disk and storage space:

1. Make sure your computer has enough free space on the disk where the game is installed. Insufficient storage can prevent the game from launching.

Verify mods:

1. If you're using mods, ensure that they are up to date and compatible with the current version of The Sims 4.

Ensure PC meets necessary specs:

1. Confirm that your computer meets the minimum system requirements for The Sims 4. If your PC falls short, it may struggle to launch the game.

Sims 4 not launching can be frustrating, but with the solutions provided above, you should be able to get back to enjoying your virtual world in no time. Remember to repair game files, check for updates, remove broken mods, update drivers, and reboot your PC. Additionally, consider performing additional checks such as restarting your PC, reviewing the EA App, checking disk and storage space, verifying mods, and ensuring your PC meets the necessary specifications. By following these steps, you can overcome the launching issue and continue your Sims 4 adventure uninterrupted.