One of the most satisfying things about Satisfactory is how frequently it rewards the ability to suddenly double, or even triple, the input of any node that feeds raw resources. If you're fortunate, you might just stumble upon resource wells that give you reams of bonus materials. A new resource called Nitrogen Gas is added to your tech tree when you unlock this functionality. Using any resource within Satisfying 1.0, this is how you can extract nodes for Nitrogen Gas-or any other resource, for that matter.
In order to achieve Nitrogen Gas, you need to upgrade to Advanced Aluminum Production tier 8. Achieving this milestone or tier comes along with a number of benefits that come in the form of the production facilities Resource Well Pressurizer and Resource Well Extractor, as well as scanning Nitrogen Gas nodes. To get nitrogen gas from a resource well, you will have to build a resource well pressurizer.
The resource well pressurizer requires the following:
If you cannot guarantee a very high rate of producing those products, you need to upgrade those products immediately.
Scanning for Nitrogen Gas resource well then attaching Resource Well Pressurizer to it, plug into power. Resource extraction begins with you having built the Resource Well Extractors on each of the small wells surrounding the pressurizer. You can think of each little well as being part of the raw resources network, each one having a Miner Mk attached to it. At least seven wells become available to extract nitrogen gas from resource wells.
Impure, normal, or pure wells will, respectively, yield nodes producing 30, 60 or 120 mA. Theoretically, one can get yes, 900 cubic meters of nitrogen gas per minute by using all these varieties of resource wells together, but that is just a little too much to experiment with at tier 8.
To get the amount of nitrogen gas you need per minute, attach a certain amount of resource well extractors onto each well. Not necessary but highly recommended, construct pipelines on these extractors and connect it to a production building.
The major products of nitrogen gas include nitric acid, cooling systems, and fused modular frames; nitric acid might serve someday to fuel the Plutonium reactors.
The problem is, it's just a pain to get the Nitrogen Gas to where you want to produce. The reason for this is, often, you're going to struggle just to travel out to one node, collect all the resources that you need for your project since Nitrogen Gas isn't plentiful compared to the other resources.
Making fused modular frames, for instance, will require the heavy modular frames, Nitrogen gas, and casing made of aluminum. In the casing alone, the minimum you will need is bauxite, water, coal, and quartz. For the Heavy Modular Frames, it is probably an overclocked node out of 100% Iron Ore.
Among the many requirements, the worst job will be transporting liquids such as nitrogen gas.
The whole packaging of nitrogen gas from its source and subsequent unpackaging may probably be a possible solution to this challenge. Once the Nitrogen Gas assumes liquid form, you can always submerge the container. Packaging makes it much easier to transfer items from one place to another. Even when you can fly over the places, traveling back and forth to connect the lines of production or resources will be a hassle. Also, in the future, automation of transportation by drones will also be allowed.
Now that you know How to Get Nitrogen Gas in Satisfactory, just follow this guide to easily achieve it.