How To Get Aluminum in Satisfactory

Angel Marquez
2024-10-18 04:48:20

This time we are back with an explanatory guide with the aim of explaining to you How To Get Aluminum in Satisfactory.

It is not hard to go through Satisfactory many levels. Gather additional materials, construct machinery, and do it all over again. However, after you reach the medium to late game tiers, you'll notice that certain resources require more processes to be made. This group includes aluminum.

It isn't found naturally, getting it takes a lot of extra effort, and you'll need it for a lot of machinery in the late game. So there's no need to fret if you find yourself standing in your factory perplexed. A useful guide to farming Aluminum in Satisfactory may be found here.

Satisfactory: How To Get Aluminum

Before anything else, you can relax about aluminum manufacturing till Tier Seven. Once you get it, though, you'll need a plethora of more materials to craft the necessary apparatus.

Because of the time investment involved in producing aluminum, you need either start extending outside from your current setup or clear away some space inside your current arrangement. The last thing you need is to be battling with Conveyor Belts and Piping in a confined space when things start to get tough.

The Materials Necessary for Aluminum Production

One positive aspect of Aluminum Production is the very low amount of base resources it requires. The precise location of the nearest bauxite node should be your top priority. From a distance, the abundant copper deposits surrounding the enormous map are sometimes mistaken for the rocks that seem orange to red.

The next thing you'll need is coal and water. You are free to withdraw coal from any coal power station you like. Water, however, plays a pivotal role in initiating the entire process of further refining the bauxite into aluminum by mixing the two materials. You can draw water for this from any nearby source or use storage tanks if you have access to them.

Get everything you'll need to construct a refinery and a foundry ready in advance. In Satisfactory, these are the main tools you'll need for farming aluminum.

Mixing with other products and powering machinery are two uses for coal. Having a nice, healthy supply is therefore beneficial. If you're planning on installing overclockers into your machines, it's best to have two nodes with high-tier belts bringing in bauxite and coal. This will keep the supply feed up.

Ways to Construct Aluminum

Setting up an aluminum farm may now begin whenever you have the necessary raw materials and a suitable location to construct it.

The materials must pass through three distinct phases of production, and we will show you each one in detail. Doing so will guarantee that you have a firm handle on the proper placement of all your pipes and conveyors prior to connecting anything to your electrical grid.

Decomposition of Bauxite: The First Stage

Establishing a Refinery or two should be your initial objective. The initial stage in producing aluminum, these will be manufacturing alumina solution. For maximum efficiency, you can lay them out singly or stack them.

You need to send in bauxite and water as inputs. Two byproducts will be produced: silica and a liquid alumina solution. Therefore, a Pipe and Conveyor are also being removed.

The Alumina that will be transformed into something valuable for the subsequent stage. You have the option to temporarily store the silica or return it to the foundry in the third phase.

Making the Alumina Solution Even Better

Step two involves making Aluminum Scrap at a different refinery. You will be pumping in your Alumina Solution and coal to the refinery's inputs in the previous stage. The machine will again break this down into its component parts.

For this stage, you'll need water and aluminum scrap. Therefore, a Conveyor and Pipe will be employed to expel them. You can put the water to another use in your manufacturing, put it in storage, or use it to manufacture more Alumina Solution.

However, for the last stage, we will be holding on to the aluminum scrap in preparation for melting it down.

Smelting the Scrap 

Constructing a Foundry and employing the Silica from the previous phase is the final requirement to acquire that delicious Aluminum. To get the aluminum scrap and silica to the foundry, all you have to do is plug them into separate conveyors.

The Foundry will produce Aluminum Ingots after subjecting them to a series of high-temperature slaps. Assuming a four-second build period, the tick rate is four every crafting sequence, for a total of about sixty per minute. The output is thus incredibly rapid.

After that, you can use an Assembler to transform your Aluminum Ingots into whatever you choose, or you can send them to another section of your factory to be utilized in an additional crafting procedure.

On many hard drives across the globe, you could potentially find alternative recipes for making aluminum.

So we come to the end of this explanatory guide, now you know How To Get Aluminum in Satisfactory, just do it and enjoy it to the fullest.

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