Angel Marquez
2023-07-07 09:09:22

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Discover How to travel distance vertically in Fortnite. Learn how to fly high and take your game to the next level.

Fortnite is known for its vast and vibrant map, filled with exciting challenges and quests. One such challenge is the task of traveling a significant distance vertically. In this blog post, we will explore different strategies and techniques to help you complete this challenge successfully.

Using Ascenders and Air Vents

Availability of Ascenders and Air Vents in Mega City POI

Mega City Point of Interest (POI) is an excellent location to find Ascenders and Air Vents. These handy devices can be found on the sides of tall buildings, making them easily accessible for vertical travel.

Process of Using Ascenders to Reach the Top of Tall Buildings

To use an Ascender, simply interact with it, and it will launch you upward, allowing you to reach the top of tall buildings effortlessly. Ascenders are a reliable and efficient way to gain vertical distance quickly.

How to Utilize Air Vents to Descend from the Top of Buildings

Air Vents, on the other hand, are perfect for descending from the top of buildings. Approach an Air Vent and jump into it to activate its upward thrust. Once in the air, use your glider to control your descent and safely reach the ground.

Option of Using Grind Rails to Eliminate Fall Damage

If you prefer to add a little flair to your vertical travel, consider utilizing Grind Rails. These rails can be found on certain buildings and structures. By sliding down the Grind Rail, you can eliminate fall damage and reach your destination in style.

Completing the Challenge

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Need to Repeat the Ascender and Air Vent Process Multiple Times

To complete the vertical travel challenge, you will need to repeat the Ascender and Air Vent process multiple times. Be prepared to locate different buildings with these devices to cover the required distance.

State the Distance Requirement of 500 Meters to Complete the Quest

The vertical travel quest requires you to cover a distance of 500 meters. Keep this requirement in mind as you plan your route and utilize Ascenders, Air Vents, and Grind Rails.

Being Aware of Other Players Who May Be Targeting Those Completing the Quest

While completing the quest, it's important to stay vigilant and be aware of other players who may have the same objective. Some players might see you as an easy target while you focus on your vertical travel. Stay alert and be ready to defend yourself if necessary.

Additional Tips

Searching for Chests and Floor Loot While Completing the Quest

While traveling vertically, don't forget to keep an eye out for chests and floor loot. Use this opportunity to gather valuable weapons, resources, and healing items to increase your chances of success.

Keeping Oneself Equipped for Potential Encounters

As you traverse the heights and depths of Fortnite, it's crucial to keep yourself equipped for potential encounters. Make sure you have a reliable weapon and enough building materials to defend yourself if needed.

Stay Vigilant and Watch Out for Any Potential Threats

Lastly, always stay vigilant and watch out for any potential threats. Keep an eye on your surroundings and be prepared to react quickly to any unexpected situations that may arise.

Traveling distance vertically in Fortnite can be an exhilarating challenge. By utilizing Ascenders, Air Vents, and Grind Rails, you can conquer this quest with ease. Remember to stay focused, search for loot, and be prepared for potential encounters. Good luck on your vertical journey and may the Victory Royale be yours!

epic games, fortnite tracker, store, games online, fornite, mobile, google app store, pc games, tracker, battle pass, up
PC, macOS, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, iOS, Android
Survival, battle royale, sandbox
Epic Games
Epic Games
Unreal Engine 4
Release date:
July 25, 2017
Co-op, multiplayer
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video game, gameplay, price, 60fps, steam

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