Daniel Hidalgo
2020-07-15 09:15:15

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There are a good number of Destiny 2 users wondering how to fix castor error code.

What is the beaver error code in Destiny 2.

This is an error that usually occurs when the Internet connection is unstable and has problems. so this is probably a local problem and not one on the game's servers. Bungie has said that the error usually occurs when several consoles connect to the Internet through the same router, but the important thing is that here we are going to tell you how to fix the beaver error code.

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How to fix the beaver error code in Destiny 2.

According to the same developer, the solution is to enable UPnP on your router. For this, you will need to find the IP address of the router and then go to settings and enable UPnP.

In case you receive an error code after this you will have to open your NAT type, although if you play a lot online, it is probably already open.

The next thing will be to try to change to a wired connection in case you are using a wifi connection, this will give you greater speed and stability.

In the event that none of these solutions correct the error, it will be best to be patient since the error could come directly from the developers, so you will have to wait for them to correct it.

  So we finish this article on how to fix the beaver error code in Destiny 2, we hope that it has been very useful to you and that with it you have managed to correct this error as soon as possible.

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