Angel Marquez
2022-08-19 06:37:00

Find out where to find purple yams in Tower of Fantasy in this excellent and explanatory guide.

What to know about purple yams at Tower of Fantasy?

It is a variety of potatoes that have been exposed to radiation, which allows to offer important nutrition to different meals, it turns out to be rare to locate, it is necessary to progress in the game to get it, we are talking about the fifth chapter to access the Warren region, northeast of the map that is covered with snow, looking to know Where to find purple yams in Tower of Fantasy let's take into account the details present in the following content.

Where to find purple yams in Tower of Fantasy?

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Taking into account the region of Warren as the only location to find the yams, we will have access to a couple at most, in the case of these with purple color come sprouting from the ground, which will be very useful for us not to lose them, it is a vegetable that is strong when eaten alone, This will help us to recover 4 points of satiety, so cooking it can give us better benefits such as our satiety meter improves by 20 points, the same for the production of volt damage, so it is best to cook it in a cooking station present around the map.

Now that we know where to find purple yams in Tower of Fantasy, we will only need to do it to continue our progress.

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