Read on so you can learn how to make iced strawberry soda in Tower of Fantasy, because here we have everything you need to know.What is the frozen strawberry soda in Tower of Fantasy?
This is one of the drinks that you will be able to prepare during the Aida Café event, in which you will have to manage a café with a sudden influx of customers. You will be able to prepare special recipes unlocked just for this event and if you don't know how to make iced strawberry soda in Tower of Fantasy, just keep reading.
How to make iced strawberry soda in Tower of Fantasy?
To prepare this drink you need the following ingredients:
Carbonated Water x 1, which you can buy from the NPC that sells food from Banges.
Strawberry x 2, which you can get from the bushes in the Navia and Corona regions.
Honey x 2, which you can get from the bees in the blue hives.
In order to get the soda recipe you will have to go to a Cooker and use the Creation function. Place a total of 15 strawberries in the crafting slots to unlock the Strawberry Frozen Soda recipe. In the same way when you have the memorized recipe you can make it whenever you want.
This is all you need to know about how to make iced strawberry soda in Tower of Fantasy so now that we are done, we hope we have been very helpful and we hope that you will be able to take full advantage of the benefits of this soda.
Platform(s): Android, iOS, Microsoft Windows PC
Developer(s): Beijing Perfect World, Hotta Studio, Level Infinite
Publisher(s):Beijing Perfect World, Level Infinite
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