Edelmira Leon
2022-08-22 00:01:37

We hope you're ready to learn how to get electric eel in Tower of Fantasy, because in the following article we've got you covered.

What is electric eel in Tower of Fantasy?

It is one of the many cooking ingredients that you will be able to find in the game, being a type of fish that you will only find in certain locations.

How to get electric eel in Tower of Fantasy?

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In order to find this fish you will have to go to North Asperia or South Asperia, so you can use the teleport points to get there faster. When you get there you can search in the water bodies, where the eels jump, but you will also find other fish such as Lake Bass.

After you farm all the fish in one location, you can go to the other and do the same to give time for the other to regenerate.

Now that you know how to get electric eel in Tower of Fantasy, we hope you can get as many fish as you need quickly.

Android, iOS, Microsoft Windows PC
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