Lidia Rozo
2023-10-30 06:52:34

Resolve How to Fix The Finals Matchmaking Not Working. Our comprehensive guide offers simplifying solutions to get you back in the game fast!

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on how to fix the matchmaking issue in The Finals. We understand that it can be frustrating when you can't play, load, or start the game due to server issues. Don't worry, we're here to help! In this blog post, we'll provide you with a step-by-step solution to get back into the game and enjoy your gaming experience.

How to Fix The Finals Matchmaking Not Working

Step 1: Be Patient

First and foremost, it's important to remember that The Finals is still in the early beta stages. This means that occasional issues like matchmaking problems may arise. It's crucial to have patience and understand that these issues are temporary. Developers are constantly working to improve the game and address any bugs or glitches that may occur.

Step 2: Check Server Status

To determine if the servers are causing the matchmaking problem, it's essential to check "The Finals" server status. You can do this by visiting their official Twitter handle [@TheFinalsServerStatus]. They usually provide updates on any ongoing server maintenance or technical difficulties. By checking the server status, you can determine if the issue lies with the servers or your own connection.

Step 3: Wait for Servers to Be Up and Running

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If the server status indicates ongoing issues, you will have to wait until the developers resolve them. Server maintenance takes time, and it's crucial to allow the developers the necessary time to fix any issues. During this time, you can explore other aspects of the game such as customizing your character or exploring different game modes.

Step 4: Restart The Game on Steam

Once you receive confirmation that the servers are back online and running smoothly, it's time to restart The Finals game on Steam. This simple step often helps refresh your connection with the servers and resolves minor connectivity issues. To do this, close the game completely, and then relaunch it through the Steam client.

Step 5: Try Again!

After restarting the game, try joining a match or loading into the game again. With a bit of luck, you should now be able to enjoy uninterrupted gameplay without any matchmaking problems. If you are still experiencing issues, there are a few more troubleshooting steps you can try.

Step 6: Verify Game Files

Sometimes, game files can become corrupted or incomplete, leading to matchmaking issues. To fix this, you can verify the integrity of the game files. To do this on Steam, right-click on The Finals in your library, select "Properties," go to the "Local Files" tab, and click on "Verify Integrity of Game Files." This process will check for any missing or corrupted files and download them if necessary.

Step 7: Update Graphics Drivers

Outdated graphics drivers can also cause compatibility issues, including problems with matchmaking. It's essential to keep your graphics drivers updated to ensure smooth gameplay. Visit the website of your graphics card manufacturer (NVIDIA, AMD, etc.) and download the latest drivers for your specific graphics card model.

Step 8: Disable Firewalls and Antivirus Software

In some cases, firewalls and antivirus software can interfere with the game's connection to the servers, leading to matchmaking issues. Temporarily disable your firewall and antivirus software and try connecting to the game again. If the issue is resolved, you may need to configure your firewall or antivirus settings to allow The Finals to communicate freely.

Step 9: Contact Customer Support

If you have followed all the steps outlined above and are still experiencing matchmaking issues, it's time to reach out to The Finals' customer support. Provide them with detailed information about the problem you are facing, including any error messages received. The support team will be able to provide you with further assistance and troubleshoot the issue on their end.

We hope this comprehensive guide has helped you troubleshoot and fix any matchmaking issues you were experiencing in The Finals. Remember that during the beta stages of a game, occasional server issues are to be expected. Just stay patient, keep an eye on the server status, and follow the steps we've outlined. By doing so, you can get back into the game and enjoy a seamless gaming experience. Happy gaming!

Microsoft Windows PC
First-person shooter
Embark Studios, Embark Studios AB
Embark Studios, Embark Studios AB
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