Lidia Rozo
2023-12-12 01:03:59

Discover effective solutions on How to Fix The Finals Left and Right Click Not Working.

Are you frustrated by the issue of left and right click not working in The Finals game? Don't worry, we've got you covered! In this friendly guide, we will provide simple and effective solutions to resolve this technical problem. Whether you're playing on a PC or console, these steps will help you get back into the game and enjoy the excitement of The Finals.

How to Fix The Finals Left and Right Click Not Working

Restart the Game

Sometimes, all it takes is a fresh start to clear temporary glitches and get your mouse clicks working again. Here's how you can restart the game on both PC and console platforms:

  •  PC: Close The Finals game completely. You can do this by clicking on the "X" button in the upper right corner of the game window or using the Alt+F4 keyboard shortcut. Once the game is closed, wait a few seconds, and then launch it again from your desktop or game library.
  •  Console: Press the home button on your console controller to return to the main menu. From there, navigate to The Finals game icon, highlight it, and press the options button (usually represented by three vertical dots or lines). Select "Close Application" and wait for a few seconds. Then, reopen the game to see if the issue has been resolved.

Switch Weapons

Believe it or not, sometimes simply switching weapons can fix input issues in The Finals. Give it a shot and see if it makes a difference. Try using different weapons in the game and see if your left and right clicks start working again. Remember to pay attention to any specific buttons or controls you need to use for switching weapons.

Check Key Bindings

It's possible that your key bindings have been accidentally changed or corrupted, causing the left and right click not to work correctly. To ensure your key bindings are correctly set up, follow these steps:

  • 1. Access the game's settings menu.
  • 2. Look for an option specifically labeled "Key Bindings" or "Controls."
  • 3. Review the list of key bindings and make sure they match the default settings or your personal preferences.
  • 4. If necessary, reset the input commands to their default values.

By double-checking and adjusting your key bindings, you might find that the left and right click issue is resolved.

Update Graphics Drivers

Outdated graphics drivers can often lead to various performance issues in games, including input problems. To ensure optimal performance in The Finals, it's essential to keep your graphics drivers up to date. Here's how you can update them:

  • 1. Determine the manufacturer of your graphics card (e.g., NVIDIA, AMD, Intel).
  • 2. Visit the manufacturer's website or support page.
  • 3. Look for the drivers section or a search bar where you can enter your graphics card model.
  • 4. Download the latest graphics drivers suitable for your operating system.
  • 5. Follow the installation instructions provided by the manufacturer.
  • 6. Restart your computer to apply the changes.

Updating your graphics drivers should not only improve the left and right click issue but also enhance your overall gaming experience.

Verify Game Integrity

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Corrupted game files can sometimes cause input issues in The Finals. Verifying the game integrity can help identify and fix these corrupted files. Here's how you can do it:

  • 1. If The Finals has a built-in feature for verifying game integrity, locate it in the game's settings or options menu.
  • 2. Follow the on-screen prompts to start the verification process.
  • 3. Wait for the process to complete, and let the game client repair any problematic files automatically.
  • 4. If The Finals doesn't have a built-in verification feature, you can use third-party tools like Steam's "Verify Integrity of Game Files" option. If you're using a different platform or launcher, check for similar options or seek guidance from their support resources.

By verifying the game's integrity, you increase the chances of resolving the left and right click issue in The Finals.

Update Mouse Drivers

Just like graphics drivers, having up-to-date mouse drivers is crucial for a smooth gameplay experience. To update your mouse drivers, follow these general steps:

  • 1. Identify the manufacturer and model of your mouse.
  • 2. Visit the manufacturer's website or support page.
  • 3. Look for the drivers or downloads section.
  • 4. Locate the latest mouse drivers suitable for your operating system.
  • 5. Download and install the drivers following the provided instructions.
  • 6. Restart your computer to apply the changes.

By keeping your mouse drivers updated, you can ensure that your input commands are recognized accurately in The Finals.

 Disable Overlay Programs

Certain overlay programs, such as Discord or Steam, can sometimes conflict with The Finals game and cause input issues. Temporarily disabling these programs while playing The Finals might help resolve the left and right click problem. Here's how you can do it:

  • 1. Identify the overlay programs running on your computer.
  • 2. Depending on the program, look for options to disable or temporarily close them.
  • 3. For example, in Discord, you can go to User Settings > Overlay and toggle off the "Enable in-game overlay" option.
  • 4. In Steam, access the Steam Overlay by pressing Shift+Tab and then click on the settings or gear icon. From there, navigate to the "In-Game" tab and uncheck the "Enable the Steam Overlay while in-game" option.

By disabling overlay programs, you eliminate the possibility of conflicts and allow The Finals to function smoothly.

 Employ Temporary Workarounds

While waiting for a permanent fix for the left and right click issue, there are temporary workarounds you can employ to stay engaged in The Finals. One option is to use alternate weapons or abilities in the game that don't rely heavily on left and right clicks. Explore different playstyles and strategies to keep the gameplay exciting until the problem is resolved.

In this comprehensive guide, we have provided you with friendly and simple solutions to fix the left and right click not working issue in The Finals. By restarting the game, switching weapons, checking key bindings, updating graphics and mouse drivers, verifying game integrity, disabling overlay programs, and employing temporary workarounds, you increase your chances of resolving the problem and getting back into the game.

Microsoft Windows PC
First-person shooter
Embark Studios, Embark Studios AB
Embark Studios, Embark Studios AB
age rating (PEGI):

Other Tags
video game, gameplay, price, 60fps, steam

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