Discover How To Improve Scenery Rating in Planet Coaster 2 with this excellent and detailed explanatory guide.
Park Rating is the single most essential statistic in Planet Coaster 2. Earning Stars in four linked stats Attraction Prestige, Attraction Variety, Park Reputation, and Scenery Rating determines your Park Rating, which is a measure of your park's overall success.
Guests will be much more impressed with your park and your rides will get prestige from being decorated nicely when you improve Scenery Rating in Planet Coaster 2. Players of Planet Coaster 2 would do well to familiarize themselves with the formula for calculating Scenery Rating before pondering how to improve their score.
One way to evaluate a park is to look at its Scenery Rating, which is a measure of the amount of scenery that guests may see. Improving your Scenery Score raises your Stars in the statistic, which adds to your Park Rating as a whole.
All Scenery elements visible to Guests are added together to form the Scenery Rating. Each Scenery Object in Planet Coaster 2 has its own unique Score, which is typically greater for more complex and costly Scenery Objects.
After you've placed scenery, you can see its Scenery Score. To view the Scenery Score in the Details tab, click the object and then go to the hamburger menu tab. The Scenery Score of a little Aleppo pine tree, for instance, is 150.
When you're in the Park Rating menu and choose Scenery Rating, the amount of Scenery Score you need to reach the next star is highlighted on the top-right of the screen.
Anything that is out of sight will not count toward your Scenery Rating. When customers can't see a group of ornamental ruins behind the Guest Services area, for instance, those ruins won't count against your Scenery Rating.
You should keep some things hidden from guests because they lower your Scenery Rating. Scenery Scores are typically bad for safety and staff equipment such as generators, staff buildings, water filters, and the like. If you want to improve your Scenery Rating, you should construct a wall around these things or find another way to hide them, such as by changing the terrain.
Improving your Scenery Rating and giving guests an unforgettable experience are both achieved by adding more prestigious scenery and arranging scenery items in locations visible to them.
In Planet Coaster 2, you can boost your Scenery Rating score in one of two ways: by being more useful or by being more stylistic.
Simply decorating your park with as much Scenery as possible while making it seem attractive is the most obvious strategy to boost your Scenery Score. on order to gradually raise your Park's Scenery Rating, you can begin by generating entirely unique creations for it using the Create Custom option on the Scenery tab.
You can boost both the Ride's Prestige and your Scenery Score by directly adding scenery to it; the scenery will then be considered an integral part of the ride. If you're in a Mythological location, you can add pillars and Greek statues to your rides to make them more interesting.
However, it is equally easy to enhance the Scenery Score by decorating non-Attractions, such as Shops and Guest Services, as well as Guest strolling spaces, to make them more attractive and more in keeping with your local themes.
There is always the quick and easy method if you don't feel like putting in the time and effort to make your park appear attractive with Scenery. The aesthetics of the park are irrelevant to the game; what matters is that all Scenery items have their overall Scenery Score computed.
It may not look nice, but if you have 100 ruined building fragments lining all Guest paths, it will contribute to your Scenery Score the same way an elaborate, intricately designed Attraction scenery piece would. So, choose a small, inexpensive object and duplicate it as much as physically possible next to as many Guest paths as you can.
While your park may not have the most aesthetically pleasing design, it meets all the requirements to enhance Scenery Rating.
We hope that the information detailed here about How To Improve Scenery Rating in Planet Coaster 2 has been very useful for your fun and progress in this great game.