Angel Marquez
2023-11-24 00:33:32

Master the strategies and tactics to how to beat the Lady Marie boss in Persona 5 Tactica.

Welcome to our guide on defeating the Lady Marie boss in Persona 5 Tactica! This formidable opponent requires a well-planned strategy to overcome. In this blog post, we will provide you with a structured outline of the content, outlining the three phases of the battle and the best approach for each phase. Let's dive in!

how to beat the Lady Marie boss in Persona 5 Tactica

Phase 1 - Dealing with Exploding Bouquets:

The first phase of the battle against Lady Marie in Persona 5 Tactica is dealing with her exploding bouquets. It is important to note that gun attacks and Persona skills deal minimal damage to her during this phase, so it's best to focus on reducing her health through other means.

Lady Marie will deploy exploding bouquets that can be triggered by targeting Phantom Thieves. To minimize the damage taken, it is crucial to avoid triggering these bouquets. This can be achieved by utilizing Ann's Agilao and other powerful Persona skills, as they can reduce Lady Marie's health without triggering the explosives.

During this phase, it is important to stay cautious and observant. Pay close attention to your surroundings and the placement of the bouquets. Make sure to strategize your moves and think several steps ahead to avoid any unwanted damage. Patience is key in this phase as you chip away at Lady Marie's health without triggering the explosions.

Phase 2 - Countering Bloodstained Aisle Attack:

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In the second phase of the battle, Lady Marie will use her Just Married car to avoid your attacks. This can make it challenging to deal damage to her. However, there are strategies you can employ to counter her Bloodstained Aisle attack.

Positioning your thieves away from the central aisle is crucial during this phase. By doing so, you can minimize the damage taken from her Bloodstained Aisle attack. Make sure to keep your party members spread out and strategically positioned to avoid being caught in the line of fire.

While Lady Marie is in her car, it is an opportune time to unleash gun attacks and powerful Persona skills whenever possible. Use this window of opportunity to deal as much damage as you can before she moves on to the next phase.

Phase 3 - The Final Showdown:

The final phase of the battle against Lady Marie in Persona 5 Tactica is the most challenging and requires precise execution. In this phase, Lady Marie becomes immune to gun and Persona attacks. However, there are specific strategies you can employ to overcome her.

During this phase, you must maneuver all thieves around the blue zone while avoiding the yellow tiles. The blue zone is a safe area where you can position your party members without triggering any adverse effects. Pay close attention to the movement patterns of the yellow tiles and plan your moves accordingly.

Positioning the targeted thief under the bell is crucial for countering Lady Marie's Collar of Matrimony attack. The bell acts as a shield and nullifies the damage caused by the attack. Make sure to position the targeted thief strategically to maximize the effectiveness of this counter.

Once you have positioned your thief under the bell, wait for Lady Marie to unleash her Collar of Matrimony attack. Execute your strategy flawlessly by utilizing the bell's protection and countering her attack. This will allow you to deal damage to her and inch closer to victory.

By following this friendly guideline, you should have a solid understanding of how to defeat Lady Marie in Persona 5 Tactica. Remember, each phase requires a different approach, so adapt your strategies accordingly. Pay attention to the specific mechanics of each phase and plan your moves accordingly. With patience, observation, and precise execution, you will be able to overcome this challenging boss battle. Good luck and may victory be yours!

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