Angel Marquez
2024-05-02 10:48:20

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Find out How to get a gun in Another Crab’s Treasure in this excellent and explanatory guide.

What to know about the weapon in Another Crab's Treasure?

In fact, it is similar to Souls and can be as exhausting and frustrating as any other game. Our adventure with the little crab will have its ups and downs, but the developers have added a feature that helps new or struggling players overcome all obstacles in the blink of an eye. We can take a gun and shoot everything in the game, to have details this guide will cover How to get a gun in Another Crab’s Treasure, let's see.

How to get a gun in Another Crab’s Treasure?

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There are two reasons to use weapons in Another Crab's Treasure. The first reason is obvious: we are being destroyed and we can't take it anymore. Some bosses, like any other spirit, will probably kill us for hours. As a result, we reach our breaking point and just want to shoot him in the face. Clear. Another reason is that using guns and shooting people crab style is a lot of fun. Anyway, to get the weapon, we just need to pause the game and go to the settings menu. Here we will find a section called “Help Mode”, we click on it. Here we will find several help functions, the last of which is simply "Give Creel a weapon." We check this box and our crab will suddenly have a realistic throwing weapon that fires bullets that instantly kill enemies.

Even if we don't need to use this weapon to defeat a specific enemy or boss, we can try it once or twice. We will even get a free achievement for killing another crab with our one-button gun, when we activate the "Give weapons to Creel" option, we will receive a warning. It just tells us that Another Crab's Treasure will be a challenging game. In other words, we are entering easy mode, which is not how we want to play.

In conclusion, knowing How to get a gun in Another Crab’s Treasure is interesting because it allows us to develop and have more fun in this incredible adventure.

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