Lidia Rozo
2024-04-21 18:48:40

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In this entry of our guide, we are going to explain how to get regional wealth in Manor Lords.

What to know about the regional wealth in Manor Lords?

This is usually used for absolutely everything in the game, to access plot extensions, improve buildings, to trade, so it is necessary to know how to get regional wealth in Manor Lords, and it is precisely about this that we invite you to continue reading this guide.

How to get regional wealth in Manor Lords?

Achieve regional wealth from passive income from burgage plots.

Plots typically generate wealth starting at level 2, each burgage plot generates a certain amount of passive Regional Wealth per month for each family like this:

  • Level 2 – 1 Regional Wealth for each family, per month.
  • Level 3 – 2 Regional Wealth for each family, per month.

The per family aspect can be confusing, and since most burglary plots only house one family. But, this refers to larger burgage plots allowing for expansions that can accommodate a second family at level 3, effectively doubling the plot's overall regional wealth income.

Upgrading burgage plots provides quite a few benefits beyond generating regional wealth, including access to additional expanses such as artisans at level 2 and capacity for new citizens when we reach level 3. However, meeting and maintaining certain requirements related to the diversity of food, clothing, access to church and tavern, and more, is vital to keeping the population happy, it is essential to establish a solid production chain of food, commodities and resources before committing to widespread improvements in the burgo plots.

Gain regional wealth through trade in Manor Lords

Trading is a very lucrative method of achieving regional wealth, one of the main means of acquiring regional wealth in Manor Lords, which may possibly be the most favorable method. By building a trading post, we can sell surplus resources such as food, crops, herbs, building materials, commodities such as beer, weapons, clothing and armor to neighboring fiefdoms, thus gaining regional wealth for each transaction.

Profit margins on exported goods can vary widely, so it is advantageous to focus on high-value items such as weapons and commodities to significantly increase returns. In the early stages of the game, it can be beneficial to sell abundant starting resources, known as minor trades, such as boards, hides, and firewood to acquire the starting regional wealth necessary for growth.

It should be noted that the ultimate goal should be to upgrade to major trading items, as these generate greater profits in the long run. It is important to note that establishing a trade route requires an investment of regional wealth, but the benefits are worth it and can be recovered very quickly.

In addition to traditional trading, another favorable option is to build a livestock trading post and sell surplus livestock such as sheep, cows, horses, lambs, and mules. This is particularly advantageous if we have a sheep farm and several pastures with the Sheep Husbandry Development Upgrade unlocked.

This update allows us to auto-breed sheep, providing an unlimited source of sheep to export. For its part, to unlock this improvement, we make sure we have a development point that we get by increasing the level of our settlement, we touch the name of its settlement at the top of the screen and select the sheep farming improvement represented by a sheep icon.

Collecting taxes contributes to regional wealth in Manor Lords.

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Taxing your citizens is another very favorable method, to do this, we must first build a mansion. Once the mansion is fully operational, we click on the structure and select the Taxes option, here we have the opportunity to choose between several tax options and set the desired percentage.

  It is advisable to activate the first option on the list, known as Territorial Tax, adjusting the percentage to 0% or more. We should note that the returns to regional wealth through taxation are significantly better when our population is larger, making it a more efficient mid- and late-game strategy.

To maintain a balance between regional property income and the impact on the passing grade, we will set the land tax between 5% and 10%. Keeping in mind that higher taxes will lower the approval rating, it is advisable to proceed with caution until you reach 100% approval. A starting point between 5% and 10% is ideal, as it provides a balance between decent tax revenue and a low impact on approval ratings ranging from -2 to -4.

We must keep in mind that regional wealth is linked to specific regions, rather than the map as a whole, each region has its own stock and infrastructure to generate regional wealth, which makes it similar to commercial and manor functionality. On the other hand, regional wealth cannot be transferred between regions, meaning that a tribute cannot be made from a richer region to a poorer one.

Now that you know how to get regional wealth in Manor Lords, you have the necessary methods to achieve it and thus access great improvements.

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