Paola Leon
2024-04-25 19:57:06

Today we bring you an explanatory guide on How to Open the Sealed Gate in Tales of Kenzera Zau so you can complete this part of the game.

Attention players! If you have explored all the wonders that Tales Of Kenzera Zau offers you, you will know that as you progress you will obtain more challenges that you must solve to continue your adventure.

Once you activate the water plant you must continue on your way, however, you will find a sealed door that blocks your steps and prevents you from continuing with your journey.

Finding a new ability, Akida's Spear, will be the way you can get past this door. It may sound a little intimidating, but don't worry, here we explain how to achieve it. Keep reading.

How to Open the Sealed Gate in Tales of Kenzera Zau

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  • Locate and activate a Shaman Shrine to acquire Akida's Spear.
  • Master the spear-throwing mechanic.


1. Akida's Spear Acquisition: Identify the sealed gate with a deactivated wooden door above it. Locate the corresponding Shaman Shrine situated to the left of a similar sealed gate. Interact with the Shrine to obtain Akida's Spear and gain proficiency in its use.

2. Initial Gate Access: Employ Akida's Spear by throwing it at the glowing ring positioned above the target sealed gate. Ensure proper timing; synchronize the throw with the horizontal smasher's extended state for a clear path.

3. Navigating the Gated Path: Proceed through the subsequent path, anticipating additional sealed gates. These gates may require precise spear throws, potentially involving specific positioning or mid-air throws to hit the designated glowing rings.

4. Combat Encounter: Engage in a mandatory combat sequence against Roho ya Rungu and Roho ya Mtupaji. Utilize your Mask of the Moon abilities or the newly acquired Akida's Spear to overcome these foes.

5. Final Gate Breach:
  • Strategically position yourself near the final sealed gate. Observe the horizontal smasher; wait for its extension.
  • Upon the smasher's extension, launch Akida's Spear towards the glowing ring attached to the cable mechanism.
  • Utilize a series of wall jumps to navigate past the columns and follow the cable upwards.

6. Floor Switch Activation: Behind the newly opened doorway, locate a movable block. Push the block, allowing it to fall and activate the floor switch beneath the sealed gate. This action serves two purposes: permanently deactivating the gate and providing an elevated platform for future spear throws if necessary.

This is everything you need to know about How to Open the Sealed Gate in Tales of Kenzera Zau, by following our guide you will be able to overcome this challenge, finding the new ability and having fun with everything that Tales of Kenzera Zau has to offer you.

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