Angel Marquez
2023-12-14 06:57:29

Discover the Best XRK Stalker loadout in Warzone Season 1 and dominate the battlefield with precision and power.

The XRK Stalker Sniper Rifle has gained immense popularity in Warzone Season 1 due to its exceptional performance on the battlefield. With the right attachments, perks, and equipment, this weapon becomes a force to be reckoned with. In this blog post, we will discuss the ideal loadout for the XRK Stalker Sniper Rifle and how it can significantly enhance your gameplay. So gear up and let's dive into the details!

Best XRK Stalker loadout in Warzone Season 1

The Perfect Attachments:

When it comes to optimizing your XRK Stalker Sniper Rifle, selecting the right attachments can make all the difference. Here are the top attachments that will elevate your performance on the battlefield:

Sonic Suppressor XL Muzzle:

One of the most crucial attachments for any sniper rifle, the Sonic Suppressor XL Muzzle, provides multiple benefits. Firstly, it keeps you hidden from enemy radar, allowing you to move stealthily without revealing your location. Secondly, it significantly reduces muzzle flash, ensuring that your shots don't give away your position. This attachment is essential for maintaining stealth and staying one step ahead of your enemies.

Fission 60 Barrel:

Range is a critical factor when engaging enemies from a distance. The Fission 60 Barrel enhances the range of your XRK Stalker Sniper Rifle, allowing you to engage enemies at a distance without compromising accuracy. With this attachment, you can take down foes before they even have a chance to react.

FSS OLE-V Laser:

While the XRK Stalker Sniper Rifle excels at long-range engagements, it's important to be prepared for close-quarter combat situations. The FSS OLE-V Laser attachment offers increased hip-fire accuracy and faster target acquisition, making it perfect for those intense encounters when enemies get too close for comfort.

XRK Stalker Light Bolt:

Mobility is key in Warzone, and the XRK Stalker Light Bolt attachment enhances your mobility, ADS (aim down sight) speed, and sprint-to-fire time. This means you can quickly respond to threats on the battlefield, giving you the upper hand in fast-paced engagements.

50 Cal Spire Point Rounds:

In Warzone, you'll encounter both armored and unarmored enemies. The .50 Cal Spire Point Rounds provide devastating stopping power against both types of targets, making them an excellent choice for taking down enemies swiftly. These rounds ensure that your shots pack a punch and give you a higher chance of securing eliminations.

Perks That Make a Difference:

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To further enhance your gameplay with the XRK Stalker Sniper Rifle, equipping the right perks is essential. Here are the perks that can make a significant difference in your Warzone experience:


Sniper shots require precision and accuracy, especially in intense shootouts. Focus extends your breath duration while holding your breath during sniper shots, allowing you to maintain precision accuracy for longer periods. This perk is invaluable when you need to take down enemies from a distance without compromising your aim.

E.O.D (Explosive Ordnance Disposal):

In Warzone, explosives like grenades and proximity mines are commonly used to flush out snipers. E.O.D protects you from explosive damage, giving you an added layer of defense against ambushes. With this perk, you can confidently hold your position and focus on eliminating enemies without worrying about falling victim to explosive attacks.


Armor plates play a vital role in your survivability on the battlefield. With Tempered equipped, you can reach maximum health with only two armor plates, allowing you to allocate the remaining plates for your teammates or save them for later. This perk ensures that you have a constant supply of armor, making you more resilient and giving you a higher chance of survival.

High Alert:

Awareness is crucial in Warzone, especially when you're focused on eliminating enemies with your XRK Stalker Sniper Rifle. High Alert is a perk that alerts you when an enemy outside your field of view aims at you. This gives you a split-second advantage to react and fire back before it's too late. This perk can be a game-changer, helping you stay one step ahead of your opponents.

Essential Equipment:

In addition to the attachments and perks, having the right equipment can make or break your gameplay. Here are the essential equipment choices to complement your XRK Stalker Sniper Rifle loadout:

Throwing Knife:

Having a secondary weapon that can quickly dispatch enemies at close range is crucial, especially when you're caught off guard or need to finish off a wounded opponent. The Throwing Knife provides a swift and lethal option in these situations. Mastering the art of throwing knives can give you an edge in close-quarter combat scenarios.

Smoke Grenade:

Tactical equipment can be a game-changer in Warzone. The Smoke Grenade is a versatile tool that can create cover or confusion during intense battles. Use it to reposition yourself or safely revive teammates, giving you an advantage over your opponents. The element of surprise can often turn the tide of a battle in your favor.

To achieve success in Warzone Season 1, the XRK Stalker Sniper Rifle loadout we've discussed is your go-to choice. With attachments like the Sonic Suppressor XL muzzle and the Fission 60 barrel, you'll have both stealth and range advantages on your side. Combine this deadly weapon with perks such as Focus, E.O.D, Tempered, and High Alert to maximize your survivability on the battlefield. Lastly, equip yourself with the versatile Throwing Knife and Smoke Grenade as essential tools for close-quarter combat situations.

COD Warzone, CODW, Call of Duty WZ, Call of Duty Warzone, warzonw, warzon, battle, update, tracker, stats, map, Warzone
Microsoft Windows PC, Xbox One, Playstation 4
Battle royale, first-person shooter
Infinity Ward
Release date:
March 10, 2020
age rating (PEGI):

Other Tags
video game, gameplay, price, 60fps, steam

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