Angel Marquez
2023-08-23 02:50:40

How to Find a Safe in Warzone 2 DMZ Demolitions Mission with our guide on finding a safe. Boost your gameplay.

Welcome to Warzone 2's DMZ maps, where you can embark on thrilling Demolitions Missions and Destroy Supplies contracts. In these contracts, marked by a bomb icon, you not only contribute to the mission but also have the opportunity to find valuable safes filled with cash and uncommon items. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the process of finding and interacting with safes in a friendly tone. So gear up, grab your squad, and let's dive in!

Locate the Destroy Supplies Contract:

To begin your journey towards finding a safe, you need to locate the Destroy Supplies contract. Follow these steps:

  • - Open your Tac Mac (Tactical Map) by pressing the designated button.
  • - Once the Tac Mac is open, carefully scan the map for contract markers.
  • - Once you spot the Destroy Supplies contract marker, ping it to highlight it on your team's screens.
  • - With the contract marker in sight, head towards it with your squad.

Find the Burner Phone:

The Destroy Supplies contract requires you to find a burner phone. Here's how you can find it:

  • - Activate your Tac Mac once again and locate a contract marker representing the burner phone.
  • - Ping the marker to ensure your teammates are aware of its location.
  • - Proceed towards the marker and retrieve the burner phone.

Activate Bombs and Supplies:

Now that you have the burner phone, it's time to activate the bombs and supplies. Follow these steps:

  • - As part of the Destroy Supplies contract, there will be bombs and supplies that need to be activated.
  • - These supplies are already strapped with bombs for explosive destruction.
  • - Coordinate with your team to ensure both sites are activated simultaneously.

Defend Both Sites:

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While waiting for the countdown on the bombs, be prepared for enemy forces attacking both sites. Here's what you need to do:

  • - Eliminate any threats that pose a danger to successfully completing the mission.
  • - Communicate with your squad and strategize your defense tactics to fend off enemies effectively.

Leaving the Circle Marked on Minimap:

Once both sites have been defended and bombs have exploded, an indicator circle will appear on your minimap. Follow these steps:

  • - Leave the circle marked on the minimap to proceed further in your mission.
  • - Stay alert and keep an eye out for any remaining enemies as you move forward.

Locating Safes After Completing Destroy Supplies Contracts:

Upon successful completion of the Destroy Supplies contract, white safe icons will appear on your Tac Map. Follow these steps to locate them:

  • - Mark the closest safe location on your map to navigate towards it.
  • - Be cautious of enemy forces lurking in the area as you make your way to the safe.

Interacting with the Safe:

Reaching the marked safe's location is just the beginning. Here's what you need to do to interact with the safe:

  • - Reach the marked safe's location and interact with it.
  • - Your operator will deploy a payday-style drill for unlocking the safe.
  • - Remain patient and vigilant while the drill does its job.

Loot Distribution:

Safes function as regular caches, meaning loot is distributed on a first-come, first-served basis. Here's what you need to keep in mind:

  • - Quickly grab what you can from the safe before other players arrive.
  • - Be efficient in your looting to maximize your share of the loot.

Finding safes in Warzone 2's DMZ Demolitions Mission: Destroy Supplies contracts adds an exciting twist to your gameplay experience. By following the guidelines provided in this guide, you'll be well-equipped to locate and interact with safes effectively. Remember to stay vigilant against enemy forces while completing missions and enjoy the rewards that await within those secure boxes. So gear up, strategize with your squad, and embark on an adventure that will lead you to valuable loot and unforgettable moments in Warzone 2's DMZ Demolitions Mission: Destroy Supplies contracts. Happy hunting!

COD Warzone, CODW, Call of Duty WZ, Call of Duty Warzone, warzonw, warzon, battle, update, tracker, stats, map, Warzone
Microsoft Windows PC, Xbox One, Playstation 4
Battle royale, first-person shooter
Infinity Ward
Release date:
March 10, 2020
age rating (PEGI):

Other Tags
video game, gameplay, price, 60fps, steam

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