Daniel Hidalgo
2020-11-09 07:24:20

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This article is special for everyone wondering how to fix a hacked account on Spotify.

What is the problem of a hacked Spotify account?

Unfortunately despite being in the 21st century, we are still dealing with hackers and hackers and unfortunately it is practically impossible to predict when we could be the victims of an attack. One of the most hacked sites in the world is the world's popular music streaming platform.

Despite all this, not all users know how to make sure if their account is being hacked. And in this guide we will tell you how to find out and we will also tell you how to fix a hacked account.

How to fix hacked account on Spotify - Symptoms?

First of all, there are some considerations that you should take into account to know if you are being the victim of a hack:

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If they deny you access to your profile.

If you are disconnected from the profile even if you have not done it.

If your playlist has been modified or deleted even though you can still log into your profile.

If an unknown Facebook profile is connected to your Spotify.

If when you log in, your last song played is another one that it really went to.

If you show any of these symptoms in your account, you are very possibly being the victim of hackers who tried or managed to access your account.

How to fix a hacked account on Spotify.

The first thing we recommend you do if you suffer from any of the above symptoms is to change your password immediately, keep in mind that it is the entrance to your account and if you initially chose a weak password you are prone to being hacked.

When resetting your password be sure to put one that is really secure, with a considerable number of characters and that combines between lowercase letters, uppercase letters, numbers and special characters if possible, including spaces.

If your account is associated with your Facebook account, Apple ID or Google Mail ID, we recommend quickly changing the password, also using a sufficiently strong password.

Another thing that you can and we recommend doing is logging out of all main and connected accounts, that is, logging out from whatever account is being used to log in.

Also change the passwords of other applications in which you have logged in, because if you do not, you may put other applications hosted on your phone at risk and you could be exposing your privacy.

 That's all you have to know about how to fix a hacked account in Spotify, we hope you never have to deal with a hack of any account, but if it happens to you with this application we recommend acting quickly with the solutions that we have proposed and that they also apply to other applications.

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