Knowing where to find vampire castle is simply a necessary task in Spelunky 2 and here we tell you.What is vampire castle in Spelunky 2?
This is one of the most complicated places to get in this game, however this does not mean that it is difficult, since it is only necessary to perform some tasks in advance, as this is rather a sublevel that serves as a secret area.
Where to find vampire castle in Spelunky 2?
The first thing we must consider is to make our way into the Volcano area, which is only possible to enter when we reach level 1-4, this is not an easy task since on the one hand it contains a certain amount of lava traps, on the other hand we We find a drill from level 2-2, and to activate it it is necessary to do it with the Eye of Udjat, which allows us to do it in a panel that is relatively close and allows us to make our way to an entrance, once we have entered, it is necessary find the drill in the upper section in the middle of the map, to find an activation panel and proceed to interact with it just by pressing R1, this uses the Eye of Udjat and opens the way to climb to the base of the drill.
Once we go up it is necessary to go down through the base and look to the sides of the hole where we have the opportunity to see a red stone door, which is an indication that our search to know where to find vampire castle is going through Good way, we proceed to take an object from the Cape of a vampire that we eliminate or steal the crown of the throne room, as it can serve us at a certain time to choose the excalibur sword.
The castle of the vampires has a ruler that can be eliminated, as it is not an easy task but with effort it is possible, because it contains a special layer that is interesting since it allows us to have the possibility of jumping twice without having than require help from a mountain.
Definitely, knowing where to find vampire castle is an interesting task that is only possible to do in Spelunky 2, so go ahead and tell us how you are doing.
Platform(s): PlayStation 4 PS4, Microsoft Windows PC
Genre(s): Platform, roguelike
Developer(s): Mossmouth, LLC, Blitworks
Publisher(s):Mossmouth, LLC
Release date: September 15, 2020
Mode: Single-player, multiplayer
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