We welcome you to our Pokemon Isle of Armor guide where we will talk about how to clear the tower.What to know about the towers in Pokemon Isle of Armor?
Once we have obtained our own Kubfu it is necessary that we choose a tower to tackle it and having it at level 70, which allows us to turn it into Urshifu, but it will all depend on the choice we make with the tower, having it at this level to Kubfu we must take it to the tower that we will choose once we talk to Mustard, this must have fighting movements, so we must train him in it, now to know how to clear the tower, we have at our disposal the content of this guide, we only need to focus in what will be explained below.
How to clear the tower in Pokemon Isle of Armor?
For the tower of darkness: it is the simplest to perform, because with the skills that Kubfu possesses he is capable of taking down the dark type Pokemon, here we will face 5 different rivals and these are the following:
- With level 65 Zorua
- With level 66 Scraggy
- With level 67 Inkay
- With level 68 Krokorok
- With level 70 Kubfu
At the end this confrontation with Kubfu we can go through it with the air Ace that our Kubfu has, considering that the options are necessary to defend ourselves from said ability that it used against us, at the moment that we achieve the clearance of the tower we are going to have the evolution to Urshifu.
For the tower of the waters: Here it is necessary that our Kubfu has some electrical movement like Thunder Edge, although in reality it is not something mandatory that we must comply, here our opponents will be the following:
- With level 65 Psyduck
- With level 66 Krabby
- With level 67 Marill
- With level 68 Polyhelice
- With level 70 Kubfu
When we get to the final combat against Kubfu, we have that the weakness of this is similar to that of the tower of darkness to the air Ace, we will do the same too, we will have the positions and thus we will be able to clear this tower, the result being evolution from our Kubfu to Urshifu, which is fighting and water.
Finally, now that we know how to clear the tower, we can move on to Pokemon Isle of Armor.
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