In the Pokemon Isle of Armor universe we have many tasks, one of them is How to get Max Honey and here we will tell you how to do it. In Pokemon Isle of Armor it becomes necessary for the unlocking of the power of Gigantimax our Urshifu that we have Max Honey, but this brings with it a series of side effects that motivates us to look for it with greater interest, for this reason in this guide a series of indications will be presented to follow to understand How to get the maximum honey, just pay attention to the following content.
What to know about Max Honey in Pokemon Isle of Armor?
In the game we will get ourselves for the first time to Max Honey when we are searching with Hop once we have evolved from Kubfu to Urshifu, this will be as part of the mission in order for us to release the Gigantiamax form of Urshifu, where Hop us It will guide you through a few steps to follow, focusing more on the story presented to us in this challenge, now we will see How to get Max Honey by reading.
How to get Max Honey in Pokemon Isle of Armor?
We have to do the following:
- We will talk to Hop who is in the Dojo to start this search.
- In the entrance that is south of the forest of the focus we will find it
- You have to go and find Petilil
- We will cross the bridge following Hop and arrive at a path in the surroundings to find Lilligant.
- We will escort you to meet Hop and Petilil
- Now we will go after Hop to find Applin, which is in a berry tree in the north of the forest, when we shake it we will remove it
- Our step now is to go to the island of honey calm, this in the back of the water tower
- We will talk to Hop
- We will shake the big tree in the center and we have to beat Dynamax Vespiquen
In combat we have that Vespiquen is a Pokemon with medium power, luckily we will be in a combat that will not go beyond the standards, which allows us to make changes to our Pokemon and we have that there are several types that can cope with this opponent and they are those of Rocks x4, Fire, Air, Electric and Ice, when we manage to defeat him we will get a sample of Max Honey, which we will take back to the Dojo with 3 maximum mushrooms to have the Gigantimax shape of our Urshifu.
To then get more Max Honey, we must do is return to the island of honey calm but this time we will not shake the tree, we are only going to use a piece of desire, with which an assault combat is generated here, it is possible that we face a Vespiquen again, thus we will get more Max Honey, but not all the time we will have the luck, which will take us to wait a certain time, apart from using this Max Honey so that we have the Gigantimax form of Urshifu or reverse it , we can also use it to revive a Pokemon during a combat with its health at its maximum, which will help us a lot, in our inventory it can be of great value.
In conclusion, knowing how to get Max Honey is excellent, since it allows us to advance and progress more in this interesting and moving game such as Pokemon Isle of Armor.
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