With this article you will learn How to Beat the Dojo Leader Mustard in Pokemon Isle of Armor.Who is the Dojo Leader Mustard in Pokemon Isle of Armor.
This is one of the enemies that you will have to face at the end of the main plot of the DLC Pokemon Sword and Shield Isle of Armor, it will be a complicated battle, so knowing how to beat the Dojo Leader Mustard will be very useful for you.
In addition to finishing him, he will allow you 30,000 Pokedollars and will mark the end of the main campaign for the expansion of the Isle of Armor, and you will also get credits.
How to beat the Dojo Leader Mustard in Pokemon Isle of Armor.
The first thing to consider for this battle is to have a team with good defense, make sure you have beaten the Elite Four, so that your team is at least level 70 or higher depending on the form of Urshifu you have or take it into battle. Pokemon Team
Below we list a series of characteristics of this enemy that you need to know:
- Mienshao 73 Psychic, Flying, Fairy.
- Corviknight 74 Fire, Electric.
- Luxray 73 Ground.
- Fairy Kommo-O 75 (x4), Flying, Psychic, Ice, Dragon.
- Lycanroc 75 Water, Steel, Grass, Fight, Soil.
- Urshifu (Gigantimax).
This enemy is weak to Flying and Fairy's attacks, allowing you to make your own Urhsifu learn Aerial Ace, a powerful flight movement that never fails, as well as being the opposite form of evolution than the one you have chosen.
You have to keep in mind that Urshifu can Gigantimax, either yours or not, learning G-Max moves that can deal with defensive powers.
Max Ooze, a powerful Poison attack that doesn't match his regular writing so he protects with the curved ball.
This is everything you need to know about defeating the Dojo Leader Mustard in Pokemon Isle of Armor, we hope that our article was useful to you and our advice allowed you to deal with this enemy as quickly as possible.
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