Lidia Rozo
2024-04-26 11:02:07

In this guide entry, we are going to explain everything about How to get scutes from armadillos in Minecraft.

What to know about getting armadillo shields in Minecraft?

It's good to know that the appeal of Armadillo Scutes is undeniably high for Minecraft enthusiasts, as these precious items are now often used to create Wolf Armor in the game. Here we tell you how to get scutes armadillos in Minecraft and, there are two armadillo-friendly methods to collect these coveted items, one involves collecting shields that come off naturally, while the other requires the use of a brush, let's see.

How to get scutes armadillos in Minecraft?

Method 1: Natural Shedding

While armadillos usually wander around, they naturally throw up a shield every few minutes. While this method may be slower, it does not require additional resources, we will just let our armadillos wander and collect the shields they dropped while we perform other tasks, here we can get busy farming and building, once they have shed their shields, We just have to go back to our house and pick them up.

Method 2: Using a brush

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This is a faster method, we will brush our armadillos to get their shields, we just have to hold a brush and press the interaction button while looking at the Armadillo. This can be done repeatedly until the brush breaks, so it may be worth automating the process using a Dispenser. However, we must note that a brush can only be used on an Armadillo four times before breaking, regardless of enchantments, with an Unbreaking III enchanted brush, we can only collect between 14 and 18 shields per armadillo.

The brush method may require more resources, it is worth considering whether we have the supplies to make several brushes, otherwise we will have to wait for the armadillos to get rid of their shields may be the best option. However, with these Armadillo-friendly methods, we can get Scutes without harming a single creature.

  How to make a brush in Minecraft?

This is a simple task for which we only require a copper ingot, a feather and a stick, we will place the stick in the center of the bottom row, the copper ingot in the middle of the central row and the feather in the center From the top row, we create a single brush and enchant it with Mending and Unbreaking III to save resources. We can use that brush forever on the Armadillos as long as we repair it with XP.

This is all you need to know about How to get scutes armadillos in Minecraft, so apply the method that you consider most favorable and keep these interesting articles.

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