Daniel Hidalgo
2022-02-15 07:47:47

In case you do not know where to find the eagle ring in Lost Ark, the following article will be very useful to you, because it has everything you need to know.

What is the eagle ring in Lost Ark?

This is one of the collectibles found at the top of the Adventurer's Tome, where there are seven drops for East Luterra, in which one of them is the Eagle Ring, this being the first you will need of the seven.

Where to find the eagle ring in Lost Ark?

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This collectible can be found on the East Luterra continent and can drop from any monster in the East Luterra region. You can also farm each East Luterra dungeon multiple times and expect to receive drops from the boss and other enemies.

The point is that you will need to find a total of 25 Eagle Ring to complete the collectible entry.

  Now that you know where to find the eagle ring in Lost Ark, we hope that you can find these collectibles so that you can complete 100 percent of each region.