Angel Marquez
2022-02-16 07:47:56

Today we bring you a Lost Ark guide where we will talk about how to get more virtue stats.

What to know about virtue statistics in Lost Ark?

It is something that goes directly to influence the interactions that we have with our character with the NPC, missions and objects, considering the importance that this represents, it is necessary that we know how to obtain more to improve and to guide us is the content of this guide that will be presented below, let's see.

How to get more virtue stats in Lost Ark?

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We are presented with several options that will help us achieve this, taking into account that there are 4 statistics that together are related to virtue, being this kindness, wisdom, charisma and courage, to obtain more it is ideal that we complete the progress of the adventurer's tome, completing the missions, earning titles, the rewards that are obtained through the collectibles, the tasks of one, the rapport rewards, the objects and skins, it is certainly something that takes time, we will notice in our profile menu of our character our accumulated virtues, going through the Skins and virtues option, it is possible to view all the statistics.

Finally, now that we know how to get more virtue stats, we can move on to Lost Ark.