Angel Marquez
2022-02-10 08:33:30

The searches do not stop at Lost Ark and that is why we explain how to find the Amethyst Shard Exchange Merchant.

Why find the Amethyst Shard Exchange Merchant in Lost Ark?

  Because this usually has some amount of resources that are necessary to progress in the game, in this sense, we must bear in mind that the fragments are part of the resources that we get when we go into explorations or simply when we manage to kill monsters, whatever. whatever the case is favorable and that we can deliver them to the merchant if we consider it feasible.

How to find the Amethyst Shard Exchange Merchant in Lost Ark?

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This merchant is usually found north of Vern, this is a place that is part of the end of the game, in this sense, we must have the amethyst shards for a long time before spending them with the merchant.

Now, getting the fragments is a necessary task to carry out the exchange and earning them implies taking care of watching some streamers on Twitch, this can be done with the drops activated or simply by linking the Amazon Prime account, doing so allows us to be rewarded with fragments.

It is necessary to take into account that:


  •  Twitch allows us to get 1,500 amethyst shards.
  • The Amazon Prime link allows you to get 500 Amethyst Fragments.


 Now, it is good to keep in mind that the exchange merchant usually offers us more missions where it is possible to earn more fragments, however, this is usually not so encouraging because it is the end of the game.

 Now that you know how to find the Amethyst Shard Exchange Merchant you can embark on this quest and thereby get to the end of Lost Ark.