Angel Marquez
2023-10-27 01:59:30

Unlock the mystery of How To Find Sunless Skein Key in Lords Of The Fallen with our comprehensive guide. 

Welcome, fellow gamers! In this guide, we'll walk you through the steps to find the valuable Sunless Skein Key in Lords of the Fallen. This key is an important item found in the Calrath Cistern area and can be obtained before facing off against the Skinstealer boss. So, let's dive right into it!

How To Find Sunless Skein Key in Lords Of The Fallen

Step 1: Reach the Vestige of Catrin

To begin your quest for the Sunless Skein Key, make your way to the Vestige of Catrin. This is where our journey starts. The Vestige of Catrin is located in the Calrath Cistern area, which is accessible after defeating the First Warden boss.

Step 2: Follow the Mining Cart Track

Once you're at the Vestige of Catrin, keep an eye out for a mining cart track. This track will lead you deeper into the heart of the cistern, where the Sunless Skein Key can be found. Follow the track carefully, as there may be enemies lurking along the way.

Step 3: Enter a Room with Rusted Metal Cages

As you progress along the path, you'll come across a room filled with rusted metal cages. This room can be quite challenging, as it is guarded by enemies such as a Mage, Raw Mangler, and Hound. Be prepared to face off against these foes to proceed further.

Step 4: Utilize the Ladder to Reach a Platform

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In this room with metal cages, locate a ladder that will take you up to a platform. Climbing up the ladder will give you a vantage point and allow you to plan your next move. Take a moment to assess your surroundings and prepare yourself for what lies ahead.

Step 5: Unlock a Shortcut Back towards the Vestige

On this platform, you'll find a lever that unlocks a convenient shortcut back towards the Vestige. Activate the lever to open the shortcut, which will make your future exploration easier. This shortcut will come in handy if you need to backtrack or restock on supplies.

Step 6: Spotting Something Golden

Now comes an exciting part! Take a moment to look back from where you came on this lever platform. You'll notice a golden glow coming from one of those metal cages in the previous room. This golden glow indicates the presence of something valuable.

Step 7: Reveal an Umbral Bridge

To get to that golden glow, equip your Umbral Lamp. The Umbral Lamp is an essential tool in Lords of the Fallen, as it has the power to unveil hidden pathways and objects. Use the lamp's power to reveal a small Umbral Bridge connecting the lever platform to the metal cage. It is fascinating to witness the hidden beauty that can only be seen with the aid of the Umbral Lamp.

Step 8: Obtain the Sunless Skein Key

Cross the Umbral Bridge and make your way to the metal cage with the golden glow. Inside the cage, you'll find the coveted Sunless Skein Key. This key is a crucial item that will unlock new areas and shortcuts in the game. Congratulations on obtaining this valuable item! You are one step closer to uncovering the secrets of Lords of the Fallen.

Step 9: Unlock New Areas and Shortcuts

With the Sunless Skein Key in hand, you can now open a door to a previously inaccessible area in Lower Calrath. This new area holds exciting treasures and challenges for you to explore. Additionally, the key may also unlock shortcuts that will make your journey through the game more manageable. Take your time to thoroughly explore this new region and uncover all it has to offer.

There you have it! By following these friendly instructions, you now know how to locate and obtain the Sunless Skein Key in Lords of the Fallen. This key is a valuable item that will open new doors and shortcuts, enhancing your gaming experience. Enjoy your adventure through the Calrath Cistern and may luck be on your side as you uncover new treasures!

Lords of the Fallen 2023,
PlayStation 5 PS5, Xbox Series X|S, Microsoft Windows PC
Action role-playing
CI Games
Unreal Engine 5
Release date:
October 13, 2023
Single-player, multiplayer
age rating (PEGI):

Other Tags
video game, gameplay, price, 60fps, steam

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