Lidia Rozo
2023-10-17 07:19:04

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How to cure the Petrified Girl in Lords of the Fallen. Follow our comprehensive guide and save her in no time. 

Greetings, fellow gamers! Today, we embark on a noble quest in Lords of the Fallen - to cure the Petrified Girl and bring her back to life. Join me as we delve into the details of this intriguing task and discover the steps to restore her to her former glory. Fear not, for this friendly guide will provide you with all the information you need to complete this quest successfully.

How to cure the Petrified Girl in Lords of the Fallen

Locating the Petrified Girl:

The Petrified Girl can be found in the treacherous Forsaken Fen swamps. However, before you can reach her, you must defeat the Congregator of Flesh, a formidable opponent. Once victorious, head deeper into the swamps, and you'll stumble upon the Petrified Girl. Imagine a dimly lit cave, moss-covered walls, and the gentle glow of crystals guiding your way. That's where you'll find her, awaiting your assistance.

Obtaining the Sanctify Spell:

To heal the Petrified Girl, you'll need the Sanctify spell. It can be found in a chest at the Skyrest Bridge. If you've already ventured into the area, you may consider teleporting to the Skyrest Bridge Vestige for convenience. Once you've reached the chest, claim the Sanctify spell - a crucial tool in this journey of restoration.

Preparing for Casting:

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Before you can cast the Sanctify spell, you need to ensure you meet specific requirements. Firstly, your Radiance level should be 18 or higher, as this is crucial for the successful execution of the spell. Secondly, equip a Catalyst, which amplifies your spellcasting abilities. Finally, place the Sanctify spell in your ranged-weapon slot, ensuring quick and easy access when the time comes.

Healing Process:

Now that you have the necessary tools and have made all the preparations, it's time to embark on the healing process. Return to the cave where the Petrified Girl lies, her body encased in stone. Take a moment to appreciate the serenity of the surroundings. Then, activate the Sanctify spell by pressing the corresponding buttons, similar to using your lantern or crossbow. Place the activated spell beneath the Petrified Girl, and watch as the magic begins to take effect, slowly breaking the curse that binds her.

Speaking with the Healed Girl:

Once the healing process is complete, the Petrified Girl will awaken from her petrified state. It's time to have a friendly conversation with her, learning more about her past and the world she inhabits. Engage in dialogue, showing empathy and curiosity. Who knows what valuable information and rewards she may offer in return for your kindness?

Completing the Quest:

To complete the quest, it is essential to rest for a day after speaking with the healed Petrified Girl. This rest will grant you access to Wilmarc's Catalyst, a powerful tool that enhances your spell power. Once you have rested and acquired the Catalyst, return to the Vestige. Before bidding farewell to the Petrified Girl, plant a Vestige Seedling outside her cave as a symbol of your success and completion of the quest.

Unlocking Wilmarc's Catalyst:

Resting after completing the quest unlocks Wilmarc's Catalyst, a valuable asset in your spellcasting endeavors. This powerful artifact will increase your spell power, allowing you to face even greater challenges with confidence. Embrace this newfound strength and let it guide you on your future adventures.

Congratulations, brave adventurers! You have successfully cured the Petrified Girl and unlocked the secrets of Wilmarc's Catalyst. We hope this friendly guide has helped you on your journey, providing you with the knowledge and confidence to overcome this noble task. Remember, in the world of Lords of the Fallen, helping others brings its own rewards. So, go forth, explore, and make a difference in the lives of those you encounter. Happy gaming!

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