Paola Leon
2024-06-05 19:26:29

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Today we bring you an explanatory guide with everything you need to know about How to travel distance over water while infused with Nitro in Fortnite.

Within the incredible world of Fortnite you will find a large number of elements that will help you overcome different challenges that are presented to you, and one of these elements is the vehicle with nitro, which will give you greater driving speed, as well as power. explosive attack, with the lowest fuel consumption and that will help you considerably improve your attacks. The most impressive thing of all is that you can make it work on water, which is exactly one of the missions you will have to complete in chapter 5 of the game, and while the experience may sound exciting, it also tends to confuse users. players about how this mission should be carried out, that is why here we explain everything you need to know about it, so that you can earn 15,000 XP and in that way, upgrade your battle pass.

How to Travel Distance Over Water While Infused with Nitro in Fortnite Chapter 5, Season 3

Splash! Dot Esports Screenshot

If you do not have a vehicle, you will not be able to complete the mission, therefore, the first thing you have to do is get one of these vehicles with nitro or you can even make normal vehicles with a lot of nitro. The best way to do this is by defeating one of the three bosses so that you can obtain a special medallion that will give you access to their vehicles, which have an exaggerated amount of this fuel and in that way, use it at your convenience.

If for some reason, you can't defeat the bosses, you can always look for the Nitro Splah consumable and use it near your vehicle to turn it into a Nitro-fiend, you can also run over the orange cans of Nitro Barrels that are near the roads. Another alternative is to use Flaming Boost Hoops so you can obtain the desired effect or even meet Peabody, an NPC that appears at the Nitrodome point of interest and who can sell you the Nitro Splash you need for 100 gold.

Once you have your vehicle full of nitro, its wheels will turn orange, which will indicate that you can now start the mission. Go to the water, and press the accelerator so that your vehicle reaches maximum speed, and you can travel the 400 meters that are required of you. Keep in mind that the fuel will not be infinite, therefore, you run the risk of being stranded in the water and sinking. That is why you should try to finish the challenge as quickly as possible to avoid having to repeat the entire process from scratch with a new vehicle. So, get ready and go through the water at full speed.

How to travel distance over water while infused with Nitro in Fortnite

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Challenge Objective:

In this Fortnite Weekly Quest, you'll need to traverse a designated distance (typically 400 meters) across water while under the effects of Nitro. 


1. Nitro Splash:

  •    - Acquisition: Locate Nitro Splash consumables through vending machines scattered across the map or as random loot.
  •    - Deployment: Throw the Nitro Splash onto the ground outside of any body of water. 
  •    - Activation: Run through the puddle created by the Nitro Splash. This will grant you a temporary Nitro boost.
  •    - Movement: While infused, sprint across the water's surface. The Nitro meter will visually display the remaining duration of the effect.

2. Nitro Boosted Vehicle:

  •    - Vehicle Procurement: Locate a car or truck around the map. Specific locations often have guaranteed vehicle spawns, while others are random.
  •    - Nitro Boost Acquisition: Identify Chonkers Gas Stations or scattered Nitro Boosts near workshops or garages.
  •    - Nitro Boost Application: Enter the vehicle and drive towards a body of water. Once within the water, activate the Nitro Boost by utilizing the designated control mechanism (typically a button press).
  •    - Maintaining Boost: Ensure the vehicle remains mostly above the water's surface to maximize the Nitro Boost's effectiveness and contribute towards the challenge distance.


  • - Terrain Selection: Opt for shallow water bodies like rivers to maximize the covered distance before encountering significant depth.
  • - Nitro Management: Closely monitor the Nitro meter and re-apply Nitro Splash or utilize additional Nitro Boosts when necessary to complete the challenge distance.
  • - Strategic Locations: Consider areas like Lazy Lagoon or the river near Condo Canyon, which offer expansive stretches of open water suitable for this challenge.

In conclusion, we hope that this guide on How to travel distance over water while infused with Nitro in Fortnite is helpful to you and that you can complete this exciting challenge successfully and in that way, obtain the incredible rewards that it has for you, all of this , while you have fun with all the adrenaline experiences that Fortnite offers you in each chapter.

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