Angel Marquez
2023-07-13 03:30:11

Improve your looks & How to Improve Looks in BitLife with this easy-to-follow guide! Get tips.

In the world of BitLife, looks can play a significant role in your character's life. Whether it's getting the dream job, finding love, or simply feeling confident, having a good appearance can make things a little easier. In this blog post, we will explore various ways to improve your looks in BitLife and enjoy the benefits that come with it.

Start with a Good Foundation

Just like in real life, being born beautiful in BitLife can give you a head start in the looks department. While the genetics of your character's parents largely determine their appearance, there are certain factors you can control. Making sure your parents have high looks stats can increase the chances of your character being born beautiful.

Utilize the Gym

Regular exercise not only improves your character's health but also boosts their Looks stat. Fortunately, BitLife offers a free and accessible option to get fit – the gym. Starting from the age of 12, your character can visit the gym and engage in various exercises like cardio, weightlifting, and yoga. By consistently hitting the gym, your character's Looks stat will gradually improve, leading to a more attractive appearance.

Visit Salons and Spas

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BitLife provides a range of salon and spa options that can help enhance your character's appearance. These establishments offer different services, each catering to specific needs. Here are some options you can explore:

  • Barber Visits: A regular trip to the barber can help you maintain a well-groomed appearance. Getting a stylish haircut or facial hair trim can make a noticeable difference in your character's looks.
  • Dye Jobs: If you're feeling adventurous, why not try changing your character's hair color? Visiting a salon that offers dye jobs can give your character a fresh and vibrant new look.
  • Nail Salons: Don't neglect your character's nails! Visiting a nail salon can help them maintain clean and well-manicured nails, adding a touch of elegance to their appearance.
  • Tanning Salons: If you want to achieve that sun-kissed glow, consider visiting a tanning salon. A healthy tan can make your character's skin look radiant and youthful.
  • Waxing Salons: For a smooth and hair-free look, waxing salons can be a great option. Getting rid of unwanted hair can instantly improve your character's appearance and boost their confidence.

Consider Plastic Surgery

In BitLife, plastic surgery is another option to significantly improve your character's looks. However, it comes with its own set of pros and cons. On the positive side, plastic surgery can help your character achieve a Ribbon-like appearance, making them incredibly attractive. However, it's important to consider the potential risks and expenses associated with this option. Make sure your character is well-prepared and financially stable before undergoing any surgical procedures.

Improving your looks in BitLife can open up new opportunities and enhance your character's overall quality of life. Start with a good foundation, utilize the gym, visit salons and spas, and consider plastic surgery if you're up for it. Remember, BitLife is all about choice, so explore these options and create the best version of your character. Good luck on your journey to becoming the most attractive Bitizen!

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