How to Complete Toy Trouble and Operation Toy Rescue in WoW

Angel Marquez
2024-11-11 03:54:04

This time we are back with a guide with the aim of explaining How to Complete Toy Trouble and Operation Toy Rescue in WoW.

"Toy Trouble" and "Operation Toy Rescue" are two missions in the second chapter of the Guest Relations narrative in World of Warcraft. They ask players to find and return some kidnapped toys. While the stakes are minimal in the World of Warcraft Anniversary Event's "Toy Trouble" and "Operation Toy Rescue" tasks, they are lengthy and tedious. Here's how to finish both.

WoW: How to Complete Toy Trouble and Operation Toy Rescue

You may find Alyx at the central pavilion of the Anniversary Grounds, where you can pick up "Toy Rescue" and the other Guest Relations missions. Located near Leeroy's fried chicken stand, this straightforward breadcrumb quest will bring you to Maru, the Tuskarr youngster. As soon as you turn in the quest, go to "Operation Toy Rescue" to find out that your primary mission is to assist a little Tuskarr named Yennu in Iskaara. That is the town in Azure Spit's western half. Yennu will ask you to locate their toy ball; you can find them up the hill from the big soup pot. The southern Dragonscale Basecamp on the Waking Shore is the first place you will be told to go.

Once you've arrived at the camp, find Rupert the Gentleman Elemental on the southern end and go there. Locate a piece of paper in a wagon with the aid of your Ohn'ahra Idol. Following this Missing Page from Yennu's Snackbook, you will be taken south to Maruukai, a village teeming with hunters. Keep flying down until you find the river bend to the east of the big Maruukai structure on your map, and then activate your Idol once more. You can return Yennu's Toy Ball to Iskaara when you dig it out of the big mound of dirt. Depending on your faction, Yennu will tell you who your next customer is.

What is the location of Kenshi's Ball of Yarn in World of Warcraft's "Operation Toy Rescue"?

In the second part of "Operation Toy Rescue," players from the Horde will be dispatched to Dazar'alor to retrieve Nuts, while those from the Alliance will be sent to Boralus to find Kenshi. First, we'll go over the Alliance version of the task. The quickest way to reach either Stormwind or Orgrimmar, the capital of your faction, is to use the portals there.

Reach the Snug Harbor Inn on the bay's crest after entering Boralus through Stormwind's portal. You can inquire about Kenshi with the innkeeper, but they probably won't know anything. Alternatively, you should descend to the home of Catty Cathy, which is located directly above the Unity Square map text. Kenshi, who is actually a cat, will be inside; if you pet him, you'll see that he sheds a lot. You may easily locate his past whereabouts by following the clumps of fur, so go outdoors and follow the trail that ascends the road to the left. The Ball of Yarn may be found at the base of the fence; following the fur will take you up to the keep to a tree just east of the hedge labyrinth. Get back to Maru at the Anniversary Grounds after returning the Yarn to Kenshi; that will conclude the Quest.

How can I locate Nuts' plush toy in World of Warcraft's "Operation Toy Rescue"?

Meanwhile, players aligned with the Horde will be instructed to seek down a character named Nuts in Dazar'alor, the capital of the Zandalari. Though the innkeepers won't be much assistance, Maru recommends keeping an eye out for animal dens, and sure enough, Nuts is a squirrel. In the Hall of Beasts, located on the city's lower floors northeast of the central pyramid, you'll see Nuts standing before a troll named Matan. Learn about shedding from Pet Nuts, and then track the clumps of fur to retrieve your lost toy. Once you reach the upper level of the city, follow the fur northward as it winds its way down multiple flights of stairs. Once you reach the bottom of the second flight of steps, bear left and you'll see the plush toy perched in a tree over the river. You have successfully completed Operation Toy Rescue in World of Wacraft by returning the toy to Nuts and then turning in the quest to Maru.

Siliconera has detailed walkthroughs for all of the World of Warcraft The War Within Tier Sets, as well as prior Guest Relations tasks like The Great Detective, so if you liked this one or found it helpful, you should definitely check them out.

So we come to the end of this explanatory guide, now you know How to Complete Toy Trouble and Operation Toy Rescue in WoW, just do it and enjoy it to the fullest.

MMORPG, Online gaming, Role-playing game, Fantasy game, Blizzard Entertainment, Azeroth, Horde, Alliance, Druid, Warrior
Developer(s): Blizzard Entertainment
Publisher(s): Blizzard Entertainment
age rating (PEGI): +12

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