Prior to the second expansion, Wrath of the Lich King, very few dragon mounts were available in World of Warcraft. The only exceptions to this were the Netherwing mounts and the Gladiator mounts from the Arena seasons in The Burning Crusade. When Wrath of the Lich King was introduced, the dragon mounts became the order of the day.
With the addition of the Proto-drake mounts and the normal drake mounts, players had more variety in terms of ways to fly around Northrend and Outland. The Proto-drake mounts can be bought from a Quartermaster and are also rare drops in dungeons. Similarly, players who invested much time into raiding had the option to pursue mounts. One such mount was the Azure Drake, a blue dragon unlike any other at the time, and for quite some time thereafter. The Azure Drake can be obtained in this way.
Azure Drake drops from the Eye of Eternity raid in Coldarra at a low rate. Coldarra is located in the Northrend zone of Borean Tundra. You can get the single boss of the Eye of Eternity from the 10-or 25-player raid modes.
Nobody should have any problem soloing Malygos in Eye of Eternity if they are at least 45-50+ levels. Just be careful not to Chromie Time on that character since that will prevent you from being able to access the Eye of Eternity.
Malygos isn't complex at all. If you do enough damage to him, he will take flight up into the air and become immune to damage. At this point, flying ads need to be killed. Melee classes can use discs to fly up to still-alive adds. Once you have killed all the adds, Malygos will break the platform and let you ride on a drake mount which acts as a vehicle as well. Giving enough damage will drop Malygos's health to a minimum; the fight ends with the pressing of '1'.
You may have to run this raid a few times to get an Azure Drake mount since its drop rate is just a little over 1%. The other drake that Malygos drops in both difficulties is the Blue Drake, along with the Azure Drake. Each character can only complete Eye of Eternity once per week.
With a big enough gold budget, the Azure Drake is obtainable without having to leave a dozen characters stranded outside the Eye of Eternity. The location will shift with each expansion, but occasionally you'll be able to purchase and trade uncommon mounts via the Black Market Auction House. Of course, sometimes even rare mounts may be available, but common mounts, such as the Azure Drake and Ashes of Al'ar, may also be found for sale.
The biggest problem with this strategy is that you can't predict what will sell well on any given day. Rare mounts will still spark pricey bidding wars, however. Even though easily available mounts like the Azure Drake won't reach the gold cap, you should still be prepared to spend a pretty penny if you encounter one on the Black Market Auction House and want to win it.
We conclude this guide on how to get azure drake in world of warcraft, hoping that the information provided allows you to easily search.