Welcome to our guide on How to get Secateurs in Brighter Shores in a specific and detailed way.
A tool of the trade is the foundation of every profession in Brighter Shores, and each tool opens a door to resources and character experience. It may take a little more effort to locate some things than others.
Here are the steps to acquire and use secateurs in Brighter Shores, in case you're having trouble obtaining suitable foraging gear.
For 13 Silver and 200 Bronze, you can buy Secateurs at the Forager's Warehouse (Old Street East). Players need to advance to Level 2 in the Forager Profession before they may access this option. During the course, you can accomplish this by browsing through Brown Kelp. You may find the warehouse by looking for a brown house on the map's right side.
The entrance to the Forager's Warehouse can be seen when you enlarge the image. There will be several dangerous crows around, but you may easily avoid them and enter the building.
To obtain one Secateurs set with Silver and Bronze, speak with Ella. It may be necessary to grind some if you are short on supplies. You can accomplish this by engaging in battles with the adversaries outside and making sales to the merchants. Finding silver could be more of a challenge since you can only collect a small amount of it at a time. In the beginning, selling bundles or recipes is the best way to acquire it.
At the Frequently Fresh Fish Stall, for instance, you may exchange ten flounders for a single silver. I realize it's not much, but anything is better than nothing. The Quartermaster at the Training Grounds, the Head Chef at The Delectable Dab's Kitchen, the Forager's Warehouse, and the Apothecary Shop on Stone Street are all good places to sell additional resources that you no longer need. The Secateurs can be obtained in Brighter Shores once you have accumulated sufficient funds.
When you have secateurs on hand, you can do anything. The Creamy Wallplants outside the Forager's Warehouse are an example of a higher-level plant that you can begin to harvest. Gather this precious resource quickly by snipping them with the secateurs.
Creamy Wallplants and Brown Kelp, when combined at a Reagent Preparation Station, make a 20% Preparation Healing mixer. Because it increases the potion's healing qualities by a substantial amount above the usual 10% this mixer is very important. Then, get the healing potion by mixing it at a Standard Potion Station. The Apothecary Shop, conveniently located near the Forager's Warehouse, is the place to go for all of this.
White Periwinkle may be collected in Brannof Boulevard using the Secateur if you reach Forager Level 4. To obtain the 5% Preparation XP Hopeport mixer, combine it with the Horn Shell using a Level 4 Alchemist rank. Completing a potion in Hopeport increases your experience by 5%, making leveling up much simpler. Raising your rank will you access to stronger ingredients, and you can use the Secateur on other Forager-related things as well.
In conclusion, knowing How to get Secateurs in Brighter Shores is interesting because it allows us to develop and have more fun in this busy game.