How to get Thrayir, Eyes of the Siren mount in World of Warcraft

Lidia Rozo
2024-12-29 19:13:17

In this guide post we explain How to get Thrayir, Eyes of the Siren mount in World of Warcraft.

Among others, Patch 11.0.7 brings a plethora of new horses that roam the zone of Siren Isle in World of Warcraft. Unraveling most of the mysteries of this zone will allow access to the complex ritual of the Forgotten Vault and the accompanying marvelous mount, Stormcrow.

Thrayir, Eyes of the Siren is one of the more interesting mounts you can get in World of Warcraft: The War Within. Herein, a step-by-step explanation of how to perform the ritual, what one will need to do it, where to find those things, and exactly where to begin.

How to get Thrayir, Eyes of the Siren mount in World of Warcraft?

To obtain the Thrayir Stormcrow mount in World of Warcraft, you must gather five Runekeys located around Siren Isle. While some require assembly by using Runekey Fragments, others can be found in full form in chests or dropped by bosses.

Additionally, not every Runekey or Runekey Fragments will drop. You will most likely have to invest some days of grinding in order to gather enough resources that will allow you to acquire this mount unless you get really lucky with finding Thrayir's Runekeys.

How to Obtain the Cyclonic Runesword

The Cyclonic Runekey drops off rare monster Zek'ul the Shipbreaker. This enormous Cthulhu-like monster is located on the outskirts of the Siren Isle battlefield and spawns fairly often after defeat. In our testing, we found it respawns roughly every 15 to 30 minutes.

This fight does not have any guarantee to drop the Cyclonic Runekey, and players who have attempted this have mentioned that the drop rate is pretty low. Currently, we do not have the drop rate exactly, but we'll keep updating this guide when it becomes available.

Additionally, members of the community have reported that the Cyclonic Runekey would appear when fishing directly behind him. We can't confirm that method at this time, but it's a nice thing to try on breaks in between Zek'ul fights.

How to Obtain the Thunderous Runekey

According to this Runekey, you are supposed to find Fragments and craft it yourself. You can find five Thunderous Fragments in secret chests scattered over Siren Isle; they spawn at random.

Where do I find the Torrential Runekey?

You will get a Torrential Runekey from collecting seven pieces of Torrential Fragments that drop randomly from different monsters on Siren Isle. As of this guide's creation, we have yet to find the drop rate of the item, and further updating will be required in order for it to be implemented.

Well before we came into possession of a Cyclonic Runekey, we proc'd our first Torrential Fragment back during our second kill of Zek'ul the Shipbreaker. You can farm Zek'ul an hour or so could give you Torrential Fragments if you are finding it tough to farm up elsewhere.

How to get the Turbulent Runekey

Scavenge for three Turbulent Fragments on a mini-treasure hunt over Siren Isle; they are required to activate the Turbulent Runekey. Look for small, glowing diamonds on the ground; they are pretty subtle, so zoom your camera in a bit.

Also, make sure you are on Siren Isle during the storm. Ghosts of Kul Tiran search for these fragments; in the normal version of the zone, these ghosts will not spawn.

Level 1

In the tiny garden behind the abandoned inn, a gardening ghost is digging up the first Turbulent Fragment.

Two runses

The second Turbulent Fragment was left on the altar in the Spirit-Scarred Cave as an offering by a Kul Tiran ghost.

Third rune

The third and final Turbulent Fragment can be found at the back of the cavern of the Rotting Hole, opposite the crouched Kul Tiran ghost.

To craft a single Runekey, click once you have all three Turbulent Fragments. All the Runekey Fragments work this way.

Whirling Runekey Obtention Guide

Finally, save this one for when you've earned the other four because to get the Whirling Runekey, you'll have to enter the Forgotten Vault when there's a storm.

You can find the rare monster Ksvir the Forgotten in the southern part of the Forgotten Vault. He drops the Whirling Runekey.

It's looking like this item is going to drop, just not quite yet. On our first kill, it appeared in the loot alongside the Glittering Vault Shard toy.

Learn where to mount the Eyes of the Siren and the Thrayir.

To access the Forgotten Vault again, naturally you will want all five of your prepared Runekeys with you. The mount can only be summoned in the storm Siren Isle, so right before you get into the regular version of the Forgotten Vault, speak to Sally Boltwrench.

In the eastern corner of this underground chamber is the ritual of Thrayir. You will see on the ground the lifeless body of Thrayir, surrounded by five different keystones, each filled with a Runekey.

One at a time, activate the ritual by turning each keystone. It does not matter in what order you do these for it to work.

When the fifth Runekey has been consumed, Thrayir will respawn and offer the quest Thrayir, Eyes of the Siren. To complete the task at hand, simply accept the quest and immediately turn it in to receive the mount and add it to your collection.

Now that you know How to get Thrayir, Eyes of the Siren mount in World of Warcraft, you can embark on this quest, try it.

MMORPG, Online gaming, Role-playing game, Fantasy game, Blizzard Entertainment, Azeroth, Horde, Alliance, Druid, Warrior
Developer(s): Blizzard Entertainment
Publisher(s): Blizzard Entertainment
age rating (PEGI): +12

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