Lidia Rozo
2023-08-03 06:27:45

Learn How to Fix Thronefall Low FPS and improve gaming performance on your PC in no time.

Thronefall is an incredibly popular game that has captured the hearts of millions of gamers around the world. However, like any game, Thronefall is not without its flaws. One common issue that players often encounter is low FPS (frames per second), which can greatly diminish the gaming experience. In this blog post, we will explore various methods to fix Thronefall low FPS and help you get back to enjoying the game to its fullest.

 Disable Antivirus and Firewall

Antivirus and firewall programs are designed to protect your computer from malicious software and unauthorized access. However, they can sometimes conflict with games and lead to decreased performance. By temporarily disabling your antivirus and firewall, you can potentially improve your FPS in Thronefall. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to do it:

  • 1. Open your antivirus software and navigate to the settings or preferences menu.
  • 2. Look for options related to real-time scanning or firewall protection.
  • 3. Disable these features temporarily while you play Thronefall.
  • 4. Remember to re-enable them once you're done gaming to ensure your computer's security.

 Enable Game Mode

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Many computers come equipped with a game mode feature that optimizes system resources for gaming. Enabling game mode can help improve FPS in Thronefall by allocating more resources to the game and minimizing background processes. To enable game mode on your computer, follow these steps:

  • 1. Open the Windows Settings menu by clicking on the Start button and selecting the gear icon.
  • 2. In the Settings menu, click on "Gaming."
  • 3. Navigate to the "Game Mode" tab on the left-hand side.
  • 4. Toggle the switch under "Use Game Mode" to enable it.

Update GPU Driver

Outdated GPU drivers can often be the cause of low FPS in games such as Thronefall. Updating your GPU driver to the latest version can provide performance enhancements and bug fixes that can improve your gaming experience. Follow these steps to update your GPU driver:

  • 1. Identify the manufacturer and model of your GPU (graphics processing unit).
  • 2. Visit the manufacturer's website (Nvidia, AMD, Intel, etc.) and locate the driver download section.
  • 3. Enter your GPU model and operating system details to find the appropriate driver.
  • 4. Download and install the latest GPU driver following the manufacturer's instructions.

Reduce Background Tasks

Running multiple programs in the background while playing Thronefall can consume valuable system resources and cause low FPS. To maximize your gaming performance, close unnecessary programs and processes that are not essential for the game. This can include web browsers, music players, and software updates. By reducing background tasks, you can allocate more resources to Thronefall, resulting in improved FPS.

Disable Vsync and Enable High-Performance Mode

Vertical sync (Vsync) is a graphics setting that synchronizes the frame rate of the game with the refresh rate of your monitor. While Vsync can prevent screen tearing, it can also limit the FPS in some cases. Disabling Vsync in the game's settings can potentially increase your FPS. Additionally, enabling high-performance mode in your computer's power settings can provide a boost to performance. Refer to the game's settings menu and your computer's power options to make these adjustments.

Tweak In-Game Settings

Thronefall offers a variety of in-game settings that can be adjusted to optimize performance. Experiment with different settings such as resolution, graphics quality, shadows, and effects to find the balance between visual quality and FPS. Lowering certain settings can significantly improve FPS without sacrificing too much in terms of visuals.

Experiencing low FPS in Thronefall can be frustrating, but it is not a problem without a solution. By following the steps outlined in this blog post, you can effectively address the issue and enjoy a smoother and more immersive gaming experience. Remember to experiment with different methods and settings to find what works best for your system. Now, go forth and conquer Thronefall without the burden of low FPS!

Other Tags
video game, gameplay, price, 60fps, steam

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