Paola Leon
2024-04-24 20:30:57

We explain How To Defeat Lydusa in Remnant 2 The Forgotten Kingdom so you can complete this final part of the game.

Throughout your journey in Remnant 2: The Forgotten Kingdom you will have to go through a series of challenges and face various bosses in order to continue your adventure.

Once you overcome all the main objectives, you will need to escape from the dangerous Yashna area and to do so, you will have to face Lydusa, the final boss of the expansion.

Fighting her will not be easy, you will have to put an end to her machinations and to do so you will need to learn to combine both moving machines and fast-paced and exciting movements. A real challenge for everyone! Finish her and you will have your reward.

How To Defeat Lydusa in Remnant 2 The Forgotten Kingdom

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Pre-emptive Measures for Success

  • Weapon Optimization: Select an Assault Rifle (AR) imbued with elemental damage for consistent and reliable damage output throughout both phases. Prioritize range and firing speed for the second phase, where precise targeting is crucial.
  • Defensive Fortification: Equip armor that offers robust protection against a variety of attacks, particularly fire and physical damage, which are prominent in Lydusa's arsenal.
  • Consumable Arsenal: Stockpile healing items and buffs to bolster your survivability during the encounter. 

Phase 1: Decoding and Deflecting Lydusa's Fury

  • Mastering the Moveset: Each of Lydusa's attacks possesses a distinct telegraph. Meticulously observe and internalize these visual cues to predict her actions and execute timely dodges. 
  • Prioritizing Orb Elimination: The yellow orbs periodically summoned by Lydusa pose a significant threat. Focus on destroying them expeditiously to mitigate devastating area-of-effect damage.

Phase 2: Navigating the Confined Arena and Unleashing Maximum Firepower

  • Identifying the Face: During the second phase, Lydusa erects walls within the arena. Locate the visage appearing on one of the walls – that's your target. Concentrate your fire on this weak point to demolish the wall and create an escape route.
  • Crouching for Cover: Utilize the crouch mechanic to shield yourself from projectiles and debris that rain down during this chaotic phase.
  • Optimizing Damage Output: When the DPS check commences, unleash your most potent attacks and skills. This is a critical juncture where swiftly eliminating Lydusa is paramount to avoid being crushed by the collapsing walls.

Cooperative Strategies for Enhanced Efficacy

  • Coordinated Maneuvers: For those venturing into this battle with allies, effective communication is key. Assign roles, such as designating a player to eliminate specific orbs or drawing Lydusa's attention to create opportunities for others to attack.
  • Prioritizing Revivals: Revive fallen teammates whenever possible. Maintaining a full team maximizes your offensive capabilities and increases your chances of overcoming Lydusa.

This is everything you need to know about How To Defeat Lydusa in Remnant 2 The Forgotten Kingdom, following our guide it will be easier for you to complete this final part of the game. Test your skills, destroy the final boss and enjoy the incredible rewards the game has to offer.

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