Daniel Hidalgo
2022-01-06 07:37:28

If you are wondering how to fix chat not working errors in Rainbow Six Siege read on so you know what to do.

What is the chat error in Rainbow Six Siege about?

This is an error that is preventing the correct functioning of the game's voice chat, but here we will tell you how to solve the errors of the chat does not work.

How to fix chat not working errors in Rainbow Six Siege?

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The first thing we recommend you do is exit the game and restart your PC or console, to later access it again, this will help correct more than one error including this one.

We also recommend checking your audio settings to make sure everything is in order by pressing Windows R at the same time to bring up Run, paste "ms-settings: sound" and press OK to access settings. Also check that both the microphone and headphones are connected properly without broken cables or anything that may be causing problems.

You can also go to Siege> Settings> Audio> make sure the Master Volume and Voice Chat bars are turned up and the Voice Chat Recording Mode is set correctly. You can also check the recording threshold of your voice chat so that the game picks up the audio from your microphone correctly.

 So we finished this guide on how to fix chat not working errors in Rainbow Six Siege and we hope it has been useful to correct this error. Remember that you can always check the game's twitter account or the developers to see if there are any problems with it.