In this guide we are going to tell you everything you need to know about how to solve ring the piercing Note Puzzle in Pokemon Crown Tundra.What is ring the piercing Note Puzzle in Pokemon Crown Tundra.
It is a puzzle in which you will have to open the door to the ruins and catch a legendary Pokémon. So if you want to know how to do it right, you'd better pay attention to this guide.
How to solve ring the piercing Note Puzzle in Pokemon Crown Tundra.
The first thing you have to do is head to the west edge of Giant's Bed, where you can find the first legendary ruins that you will find, unless you have passed the Regice one. Upon reaching the site you will have to interact with the door to obtain a clue that says "Let the penetrating note sound that will make the steel giant".
Later you will have to close the dialogue and whistle by pressing the left joystick to open the door. Go ahead and stand at all the lights and then save your game before interacting with the statue.
Walk to the door of the ruins to find a clue that says "Let sound the piercing note that will make the giant of steel."
Close the dialogue again and whistle next to the door in the same way as before to open it and find Registeel with whom you will have to fight.
Now that you know how to solve ring the piercing Note Puzzle in Pokemon Crown Tundra, you are more than ready to move on after completing it, just follow each advice to the letter and you will get it.
Pokémon Sword and Shield: The Crown Tundra
Platform(s): Nintendo Switch
Publisher(s):The Pokémon Company, Nintendo
Release date: October 22, 2020
Mode: Single-player, multiplayer
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